We all use the internet in some form or another, and this can also be related to media in general. We all also come across those certain things that we find annoying, vulgar, and quite possibly disrespectful or offensive. Those specific topics are the things I don’t want to see on my news feed, or the things broadcasted on the news. They can be important, but not all of the time. There are appropriate times when certain things need to be said to the public, but not repeated day after day, or even hour after hour. You know what I’m talking about, literally everything on the news and social media nowadays. And here are only a few:
My only question is, why? Why is this a thing now? When I said I wanted Halloween all month, I didn’t mean murderous clowns that walk around at midnight. I meant haunted houses, candy, hayrides, and pumpkin carving, the fun harmless things that won’t get anyone shot. The only purpose of these clowns is to raise awareness of how unsafe our public can really be. Yes, I know there are arguments about them being people too, I get that. But if someone is going to come at me, with a gun or machete, I am going to hate on them too, probably defend myself if at all possible. No one needs clowns wondering around their towns…
The presidential election has gotten out of control. Republicans bash Democrats, Democrats bash Republicans, Trump bashes immigrants, Clinton is bashed for something she did in the past and for being a woman, and so on. I literally could care less. This is all over social media, and is a never ending fight. You can like who you want, I don’t care about that, but what is the point of bashing the opponent? It should be a friendly fight, it should be who is a better fit to run the country, not pointing out the flaws of the opponent. Yes, we should be educated on who is running, and who we think personally would be a better fit for running this country, but the presidential debates have gotten a little too repetitive. They made it about pointing out what the opponent has done wrong, not by proving why he or she is a good fit to be the next president. I want to know who I’m voting for because of what they said they will do, or how they can make the country a better place, not for who sounds like less of an idiot.
Black Lives Matter
Of course, all lives matter. It’s not just one race that matters, nor is it just one race being hated against. All races are honestly being discriminated against. All races, ethnicities, skin colors, and all people matter. Why? Because we are all PEOPLE. If this is hard to understand, that’s fine, we are all entitled to our own opinions. Which leads me to the next subject.
EVERYTHING being offensive
I’m not sure if this is just in the United States, or if it is all over the world. But anything someone says can, and is taken offensively. Such as gay rights, all white people being racist, all black people being dangerous, and many others as well. I get how some of these things can be offensive, but why disclose it to the whole world? Keep it to yourself. It’s not as big of deal as people are trying to make it be. A good example of this is: A black person being shot by a white cop. This is all over the news, and social media. The thing about this is that it isn’t just black people being shot, or just white cops shooting them. It’s all races, and it has always been this way. But it seems that the white cops are now in the spotlight for the “crime” being done, not that it is right or wrong either way, but I’m just saying that it isn’t just the white cops committing these “crimes”. Every case is different of course, and each person has their own defense, but each person is also equal, and skin color doesn’t change that.
With all that being said, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, just like I am as well. So if you don’t like what I said or find what I said offensive, I do apologize, but all of you can share what you think. So I feel as though I’m just sharing for all of the other people who don’t comment publically, that they literally don’t care.