In today's society, it seems like every time you turn around, someone is telling you how to live your life. It's like you seriously can't just express yourself without it being an issue. When you're growing up and trying to expand yourself and figure out who you are, it can be frustrating to have all the negative comments thrown at you. Everyone has experienced it, and it sucks. So, dear critics, it's time to put a stop to your nonsense and listen up...
Here are some things that I don't need you to tell me.
"Your shorts are too short"
If I want my booty to be hanging out, get over it. It's my body, my choice, my life. Please keep moving.
"You wear too much makeup"
Okay, but I'm fabulous so... It's art babe, let me be good at something.
"Your shirt is too low"
Sorry, it's too hot for a turtle neck. Don't look at my boobs and there won't be an issue?
"Sweats are not made to be worn in public"
LOL. If not, then why are they sold in surplus at stores across the universe? They are one of the worlds greatest inventions. Please be appreciative of me and my sweatpants.
"Leggings are not pants"
If they cover my underwear and lady bits, they're pants.
"You wear too much black"
It's comfortable and flattering, even when I'm a bloated balloon. Black is my friend every day of every season.
"I can see your bra"
"Just because you have it, doesn't mean you should flaunt it"
Once again, what I do with my body is my choice. If I'm not hurting you or myself, just let me live.
"You really shouldn't be eating that"![]()
But why? Because I just ordered four more Big Macs so please enlighten me.
"You should smile more"
I do smile, even if it's just on the inside. I don't have to always smile to be happy.
"I thought you were a b*tch when I first saw you"
Well that's great for you, eh? It's just my face and if you can't understand or accept that then I guess we shouldn't be friends.
"You should go out more"
I don't need to though. I value my sleep time, my alone time, and the time I spend with my friends who don't want to go out all the time.
"You curse too much"
I like to express myself the way that I want. I don't need to censor myself for you or for anyone else...
While these are only a few examples of the nonsense that people spew out of their mouth holes towards others, it is still important to recognize that your opinions are not always wanted. Even if you're just "trying to be nice", most people don't appreciate being told how to live their life. We have the right to express ourselves how we want to, refrain from trying to take that away with your judgments.