None of us have the time or energy to plan out when we will get sick. Sadly sickness waits for no man or woman. So here are 10 things to do when you are feeling sick and want no social interaction.
2. Movie day.
Now is the time to catch up on all those fun movies you have been saving to Netflix but never had the time to watch.
3. Start a new series.
Just like watching all the movies you have wanted too start the new series you have been hearing all about.
4. Relax.
Now you actually have an excuse to lay around all day so relax and enjoy it as much as you can.
5. Soup binging.
I personally love soup, but its not always the healthiest. When I am sick I eat as much soup as I can.
6. Take a bath.
Showers are so much faster when we have busy schedules. When you're sick you aren't going anywhere so might as well use the bath bomb you have been saving and relax.
7. Catch up on Social Media.
I know I personally suck catching up on social media however when I am sick, I feel like I am so caught up I could predict trends before they happen.
8. Hang out with your dogs,
your furry friends know when you are not feeling your best. o hug there neck and spend the day lounging with them.
9. See the doctor.
I know this seems obvious but I hate going to the doctor. So if you feel like you are knocking on deaths door, go see a doctor.
10. Ask for help.
I never ask for help but when you are sick you cant do much. So don't feel embarrassed to ask for help during your time of suffering.