Here are 25 things to do while in quarantine to help keep you productive, calm, and happy.
1. Read all the books that have been stacking up on your shelf.
If you're a bookworm like me, you have a lot of books you want to read that you now have time to get to.
2. Watch that show you've been talking about watching.
3. Call an old friend.
They are just as bored as you are.
4. Go for a walk!
It is a great opportunity to listen to some good tunes, think through some things, bond with your sibling, or get you and your dog out of the house.
5. Learn a TikTok dance.
It's what all the cool kids are doing!
7. Learn something new you've been meaning to try.
8. Learn all the words to a really fun rap.
9. Write letters to those you care about.
10. FaceTime all the school friends you wish you were hanging out with right now.
11. Have a personal dance party.
12. Catch up on all the sleep you've been behind on for the past 10 years.
13. Clean your room.
14. Keep a journal.
15. Build a puzzle.
16. Play solitaire.
17. Make a photo album.
18. Arts & crafts.
19. Take an online class.
20. Find a virtual fitness account.
21. Reorganize your life.
Even if it's just the little junk drawer that's been giving you anxiety for years, now is the time to clean it!
22. Download Netflix Party and have virtual movie nights with your friends!
23. Write down three positive things each day and place them in a jar to reflect on post-quarantine.
24. Think about all of the things that you are grateful for and took for granted until now.
25. Send a virtual hug to everyone you miss right now.
It might make their day.