As a college student, there will be many times you will have to deal with a blackout on campus. With no power, no lights and no wifi, and absolutely no chargers, you need ways to have ways to entertain yourself while you wait for the power to come on. Here are some ideas!
1. Light some candles (if allowed)
Some colleges do not allow candles on campus, but having a few lying around could come in handy, especially if the power went out during the evening and night hours. Having the light means you can still use those flashcards you have for the test! If you don't have candles, use a flashlight, or the flashlight on your phone.
2. Get together with friends
Text all your friends, if you can and get together and tell ghost stories or play card games to past the time. Sometimes not having power is good, it forces you to talk to people and not hide away on your phone or laptop!
3. Get out of the Dorm
If you can, get off campus, go see a movie, or go get food (hopefully there is power in other places). Or just go for a drive, you never know what adventure awaits outside the dorm room!
4. Take a nap or go to bed
5. Cry
6. Prank people
If your friends live down the hall it may be the perfect time to prank them or scare them, especially if its dark!
So the dark or the power outage is not so bad as long as you know what you could do!