The COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) is spreading at a rapid pace, forcing many people all over the country and world to social distance, quarantine, and/or self isolate. Being alone or almost alone in one space for an extended period of time can be difficult for anyone and make people feel down and upset, especially those who already struggle with their mental health. Here are some things you can do to try to cheer yourself up.
Write yourself a letter.
Take a nap.Â
Put on an outfit you love.
Drink some hot tea/coffee.
Call or video chat a friend.
Listen to happy songs.Â
Read a book.
Watch a funny movie.
Write down your feelings.
Do a craft.
Light a candle.
Take a walk.
Watch motivational Youtube videos.Â
Take a bubble bath.
Have a solo dance party.
Play with a pet.
Try a guided meditation.
Watch the clouds.
Make a mood board.
Draw or paint.Â
Or even color.