11 Things I Did As A Kid That I Still Do As An Adult
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11 Things I Did As A Kid That I Still Do As An Adult

Naps are everything.

11 Things I Did As A Kid That I Still Do As An Adult
NY Post

Adulting is hard, and you're supposed to be responsible and mature ...and whatever. I'm still a pretty good adult and pay rent, work three jobs, take full time classes and maintain good grades and a social life, but there are still some things that I used to do as a kid that I still enjoy doing today.

1. Taking Naps

As a college student, there is nothing more I want out of an afternoon than a good siesta. I remember complaining about naps as a kid and feeling like a rebel when I would just lie in bed and NOT fall asleep. Sad but true.

All those years of not sleeping and rejecting the whole nap idea have probably caught up to me, because there is nothing I crave more than a good nap.

2. Playing on the Playground

There is so much elation and joy that comes from playing on the playground. Swings in particular. Swings make me happy. To this day, I will not get on a swing and NOT have the epic jumping off of the swing at the end. (It's the best part of the experience).

Also, merry-go-rounds! So much fun, no matter how old you get! (Okay, there might be an age where you get too old for merry-go-rounds ...sad but true.)

However, the saddest part about playing on the playground is that a lot of the features aren't your size anymore, so you find yourself doing things like pushing yourself down the slide.

3. Blowing Bubbles

Okay but seriously why aren't bubbles an adult thing? I think they're so pretty and fun! I love to take them with me when I go tanning and just blow bubbles and enjoy sunny days.

4. Watching Cartoons

ONE WORD. DISNEY. Man, oh MAN. I will never tire of a good Disney movie or animated movie.

I went to see Finding Dory last week and ...OH MY WORD. When she found her family, I literally cried.

Now that I'm thinking about it, I'm pretty sure that's proof that my love for animated movies has only grown since childhood. When I was a kid I probably would have enjoyed the movie but would not have cried ....

....not sure what that says about me.

Also, there is no episode of either Curious George or Clifford the Big Red Dog that I will not sit down and watch. Ever. I have no shame.

5. Taking Naps

No, its not a typo. I just feel like naps deserved a second applause. Praise God for naps. #YouTheTrueMVP

6. Calling Mom for Help

Yes, its something I've been doing since I was a kid, but no, its not a bad thing and it doesn't make me any less of an adult. Adulting is hard dude, and sometimes you just need your momma to make sense of it all. I'm a firm believer in that you are never too old to pick up your phone and call mom, whether you need help or just a friend to talk to.

7. Coloring

I kid you not, as an upperclassman in high school my friends were still gifting me Disney princess coloring books and I had no problem with that.

Fortunately I have grown up a little and switched to the adult coloring books, but they are just as fun and just as rewarding. There's nothing like a good coloring book.

8. Getting Excited for Christmas

Granted, Christmas has gotten significantly less exciting the older I have gotten, but honestly, there is something about the holiday and the Christmas spirit that will ALWAYS be magical.

9. Stuffed Animals

Okay, I had about 4700 Webkinz when I was a kid, but now that I'm an adult its not how many stuffed animals I have, its how cuddle worthy they are. One day, I'll drop $40 on a giant stuffed panda bear... and it'll be the best day ever.

10. Having Big Dreams

As I become a more adultier adult, I have found that the idealization of the future becomes much less of a reality. Once you have to choose a major and pinhole a career, your sense of what is in front of you is slightly less glamorous.

Not for me! I'm an English major with the world in front of me. I want to travel, explore, see things, write, read, pursue multiple careers, jump at opportunities and take whatever life throws at me.

Nothing has changed, except for maybe the fact that when I was a kid my big career goal was being an interior designer for HGTV. (YES I LOVED HGTV AS A KID DO NOT JUDGE ME.)

11. Asking Questions

I work with kids, and if you have any experience with them, you will know that they ask one million questions a minute. They don't ever stop, and sometimes I'm amazed at the questions they ask (and sometimes more astounded by the answers I give them).

But my point is this. I haven't stopped asking questions. I believe it is one of the most essential parts of life and it leads you to be a better person. You will gain knowledge and grow.

How do you think you got to where you are today? By asking questions and seeking answers from those older than your or your peers.

Hey, if you made it this far in my little list of kid-things I still do (and maybe you do too), don't forget to always let the little kid at heart come out to play. Don't always be such an adulty adult. Sometimes you just have to let go and let the kid in you become a part of your everyday life. Trust me, you'll be happier.

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