We're all busy. This is true. But below are a few things we should all spend a little more time doing. It just might be exactly what we needed.
(all picture from unsplash.com)
- Sleeping. Obviously.
2. Reading. Reading is so underrated. Not only is it actually interesting and fun if you have a good book, but it’s also a good way to de-stress and better to do before bed than watching TV or scrolling through twitter.
3.Doing yoga. Yoga is great and it’s not just for girls. Another great way to de-stress and work out at the same time. Two birds with one stone?
4.Making healthy food. It will make you feel better and keep you healthy. Spending the extra 20 minutes/day making lunch/dinner instead of stopping at the dining hall or fast food restaurant can have dramatic effects on health later in life.
5.Napping. Same as 1, but not at night time. Just needs to happen more often.
6.Talking to parents or friends from home. They miss us. They deserve our time too. Even though days may be busy, we owe it to them to keep in touch.
7. Volunteering. I know it's hard to find time even for ourselves sometimes, but there are always people who need help more than ourselves, and it may make you feel more centered and less stressed.
8. Meditating/listening to music. Take some time out of the day to just chill and reflect.