At the end of every semester, we are asked to look back on all the classes we have taken and ask ourselves, "Could this have gone better?" The answer is always yes. When reading the questions to these course and instructor evaluations that are sent to us twice a year, in some cases, it is almost hard not to laugh. I usually don't have much interest in filling them out, but sometimes, certain professors just make it too hard to resist.
1. Course materials were well-prepared and carefully explained:
"Wait... What "course materials?" The syllabus? That one study guide we got for the very first test at the beginning of the year? I'm confused."
2. Course objectives were clearly stated and pursued:
"Clearly stated, maybe. Pursued? Not by me."
3. Assignments, tests, and written work in the course reflected the content and emphasis of the course:
"Not sure how taking a personality quiz and writing a 3-page paper about it could be worth 15 percent of my grade in my statistics class but…"
4. This course increased my interest in the subject:
"Which subject was this course supposed to apply to, again?"
5. Required readings/texts were valuable:
"Hell yes, they were ‘valuable.' Do you have any idea how much all of that costs? Two months rent, and I have yet to even open half of them."
6. Methods used for evaluating student work were fair and appropriate:
"Sure, I just feel like my grade suffers every time his football team loses."
7. Feedback on graded assignments was valuable:
"Yes. The lyrics to Justin Bieber's latest hit all over my essay was very valuable."
8. I found this course intellectually challenging and stimulating:
"I could describe this course using a lot of words, but I don’t think I would use those two."
9. Students were encouraged to share knowledge and ideas:
"I mean, I guess, as long as the professor was also knowledgeable about that knowledge and agreed with those ideas."
10. I have developed my skills and knowledge:
"I certainly have developed my skills and knowledge, in the fine arts of educated guessing and the all-nighter."
11. The instructor showed enthusiasm for teaching the subject:
"It’s no question that this man loves his chemistry... Maybe a little bit too much."
12. The instructor showed interest in the learning and development of the students:
"I learned who was
13. The instructor was adequately accessible to students during office hours or after class:
"Oh yeah, between the hours of 8 p.m. and 9 p.m., Tuesday and Thursday night. Just never the week of an exam, not on weekends, including Fridays, and never ever via email. Ever."