"You're going to wish you were single!"
"You won't have time to maintain a healthy relationship."
"It's not going to last anyways!"
These are just a couple of the phrases I've heard about dating in college since I was starting high school. I believed these words with every fiber of my being, and had absolutely no intention of starting a relationship in college. I spent my first semester floating from party to party, and explaining at Thanksgiving to my family that I just wasn't looking for anything in terms of a relationship. But soon enough, I realized that hookup culture is only appealing for so long. One day, I met the right guy...and suddenly those phrases that were repeated to me so often didn't matter anymore. I couldn't let this boy pass me by, so against all advice given to me by my peers, I dove into a relationship. I'm in college, in a functioning and healthy relationship, and I'm getting sick of hearing a few things.
"You're missing out on things!"
Actually, I'm not missing out on anything. Believe it or not, just because I'm in a relationship doesn't mean that I can't go to parties or events. Just because we're dating doesn't mean that we have to spend absolutely every waking moment together. In fact, finding a healthy balance of time together and apart is the foundation of any good relationship, and my boyfriend and I are pretty good at it.
"You're both gonna change!"
Okay, yes; college is a time where people grow and change. People use this as an argument against dating, but who says that I can't grow and change alongside my boyfriend? The two of us are going through this part of our life together, so it's definitely not impossible for both of us to support the other through the ups and downs that come along with college.
"You're still learning about yourself!"
Piggybacking off this last point, why can't my significant other help me learn about myself? I think I've learned more about who I am with my boyfriend than I could've possibly imagined! I've found new things I love and hate through him, along with some character traits I never knew I possessed.
"What about your independence?"
Being in a relationship does not impact your independence!!! All that changes is now, you have another support system. I don't run every choice I make through my boyfriend, but he does support me in the choices I end up making. Sometimes it's nice to have your own personal cheerleader or someone who is able to put you first, but I don't depend on anyone for my own happiness.
"What about your goals?"
Actually, my boyfriend is helping me reach them! He sits and motivates me when I'm not in the mood to do my work, he reminds me that I can do anything, and he's someone I can run my work past. Sometimes you need a helping hand to reach your dreams, so why can't my boyfriend be that helping hand?