One of the best feelings after finishing the semester is thinking about all the things you have time for now. During school, college kids are in constant work mode, but when the semester ends is when the fun begins. Here are all the things college kids look forward to and have time now its summer:
1. Spending time with pets.
Ask any college student about their house pet, and they'll tell you how much they miss them.
2. Spending time with family.
All the out-of-state students will finally be able to spend much needed time with family, and even students who live in the state will have some time at home too.
3. Seeing your hometown friends.
It's always the best feeling seeing your best friends that you haven't seen in months and catching up.
4. Having time to exercise.
Now that you finally have time to exercise, work out the stress of college.
5. Going on adventures.
A great summer adventure is hiking. Not only is it good exercise, but it also gives you time to appreciate nature. Grab your friends and go on a hike.
6. Binge watching shows/movies.
Grab some snacks and have a nice night in watching all the shows you now have time for.
Enjoy your summer and take some time to destress!