When I decided to go to college and live on campus, I expected it to be the most exciting thing ever. However, there have been some setbacks that I didn't expect. Here are a few situations that are totally different and unexpected.
1. Having one week without any assignments and then the next jam packed.
So here I am spending 12 hours in the union to work on a weeks worth of homework that just one professor assigned over a weekend. But it's fine, because I'll feel accomplished in the end.
2. Roommates man, need I say more?
Personal space is just a thing that needs to be respected at all times. Learning to live with someone is very difficult, and there are just some lines that cannot be crossed in the adjustment process.
3. Productively procrastinating.
4. Constantly checking my email.
In high school, email was a thing I checked maybe twice a day. In college I check my email before class, after class, in between classes, during meals, when I wake up, before I go to sleep, and pretty much every other minute I have. Between student organizations and professor notifications, my email is constantly blowing up.
5. Seeing people from high school.
6. Having to explain greek letters to my father.
"Why does the Sigma symbol look like an 'E'?" "Why do they have to use greek letters?" "Why don't they use english letters? We don't speak greek?" Being in sorority can change your life, but I guess it can also impact other family members too.
7. Accidentally calling your dorm "home" in front of your family.
It's just a habit, I really prefer my house over my dorm I promise.
8. How many places I would actually call "home".
Home: the house where my family lives, the dorm room I am currently staying in, and my sorority house. Different places, same concept.
9. That I would make 80 friends instantly.
Sorority life is great and making 80 friends in a weekend is the best thing that has happened since this school year started.
10. Making plans to do homework together instead of hanging out.
Without the support of friends working on homework at the same table, I would constantly be pulling overnighters in order to finish everything.
11. The way people peer evaluate you just to improve their own grade.
I only led the group for most of the project and did more work than other group members, but thanks for evaluating me low for not showing initiative.