11 Things CofC Students Should Be Thankful For This Year | The Odyssey Online
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11 Things CofC Students Should Be Thankful For This Year

11 Things CofC Students Should Be Thankful For This Year
The Cistern

It's the time of year again where we all return home to sit around the dining room table and be with our loved ones. We share how much we love each other over tons of delicious home-cooked food. This year, us College of Charleston students should add in a few things to our list to be thankful for. Here are a few ideas.

1. We are in Charleston.

I mean, come on, we get to live and go to school in one of the world's top tourist destination. We literally attend school in a vacation spot.

2. Our campus is gorgeous.

I don't know about you, but I find the Cistern to be one of the most beautiful places on campus. My second favorite being the big clock intersection outside the president's house. Nonetheless, all of us should consider ourselves blessed to be able to attend school in such a beautiful place.

3. The weather is marvelous.

While other various parts of the country are currently experiencing up to a foot of snow in some areas, the sun gods are still shining down on us with 60+ degree weather and the occasional beach day in November.

4. Chick-fil-A is right on campus.

Enough said.

5. We're in close proximity to the beach.

The beach is all but a 15-minute drive, and if you don't have a car, you can take the bus there for free with your student ID. If you don't want to go to Folly Beach, that's okay because there are plenty others in the area all within the same distance.

6. Campus is one block from King Street.

Perhaps one of the best and worst things about CofC is the one block proximity to King Street, a.k.a. all the food and shopping you will ever need. Although our wallets may not like it, I know that guac from Chipotle and queso from Moe's sure did taste good.

7. Finals are before Winter Break.

Because let's be honest -- we could have them after break and spend all of Christmas vacation procrastinating and stressing about our procrastination for upcoming exams but no, we get to knock 'em out before break and enjoy a few weeks of relaxation.

8. We have a pretty sweet mascot.

Whenever you see Clyde around campus he's always giving out high fives, hugs, and posing for your Snapchat stories. That's something to be thankful for.

9. We have campus celebrities.

Be honest, you all get really excited when you see Barefoot Scooter Guy or Tiger Backpack Girl and it brings a smile to your face.

10. The food industry in Charleston is awesome.

There are dozens upon dozens upon probably over a hundred different restaurants to choose from and that is just on the peninsula. Whether it's a grab and go burrito from Moe's, or an expensive night at one of Charleston's many fabulous restaurants, one will never go hungry on the endless food options in this city.

11. The friends you make here are one of kind.

Some of us come from an hour or two away, while others have traveled cross-country or internationally to come here. No matter where we have come from, we have on thing in common: we are all CofC students. Tell your friends you've made over the past semester, or four years you have been here that you love them this Thanksgiving.

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