Being young and ambitious college students, it's often that we find ourselves wanting to make a change in our community and on our campus. However, with our hectic school, work, and social schedules, we feel like we can't. The truth is, we can! In a world full of technology and social status, we often forget about all of the little things that are so important in promoting a positive environment around us. The slightest things that seem like nothing to you can mean everything to someone else! Here's how you can positively impact those around you without even thinking about it!
A lot of people don't realize that one simple smile can go a long way. Not only does it make others want to smile, but it also can instill confidence in those around you. You never know what kind of day a person is having, and it could just take one smile from you to make them feel welcomed and encouraged in whatever the day ahead of them holds.
Talk to a stranger
This one is so important! A lot of the time, students our age put up a wall of happiness so that no one is able to see what they're going through. That being said, we have no idea what's happening in their personal life, whether it's stress, depression or even just loneliness. Talking to someone can make all of the difference in the world for some people. Even if all you have to say is a simple "Hey, how are you?" it could mean more than you'll ever know. This small act of kindness can give them a sense of hope!
Pick up a piece of trash
It's not just the people in your community that could use a little pick-me-up! Our outdoors is just as desperate for your attention. It's every day that we're walking around our campus and seeing trash laying around on the floor. It could take you only two seconds to pick it up and throw it away in a trash can. I know what you're thinking "One piece of trash doesn't make a difference." You're probably right, it probably doesn't make a difference. But I guarantee that if someone sees you do it, they will follow suit and do the same thing. Doing something as small as this can make your campus ten times cleaner, promoting a happier and healthier environment!
Lend a helping hand
We have all been there. Having that one really bad day where nothing seems to be going right. What if you could change that for someone? It could mean just holding a door open for them or maybe even your seat on the bus. We all have struggles that we would like help with, so why not give out what you wish to receive. There is no favor too big or small that can turn someone's day around completely.
Be you
Never ever stop being yourself and being confident. Maybe it's easy for you, but for some people, it's really hard to get out there and show off their true colors. Once someone sees you living fearlessly and being nothing short of who you are, it could encourage them to do the same thing. Helping to push others in the right direction isn't as hard as you think it is. Sometimes, all it takes is you being YOU! That can make all the difference.
All of these things are so easy and SO appreciated by others. Be the difference that you wish to see in the world and start a chain reaction in your community. We are all busy and dealing with our own personal issues, but just one simple thing can change everything for somebody or something. Make a change today and see the outcome tomorrow.