BISFA definitely has it's "quirks", and that's why we all love it so much. However, more often than not, these "quirks" can be the bane of our existence. Nonetheless, they're what make our school such a unique experience.
If you go to BISFA, or graduated, you will be familiar... maybe a little too familiar with this list:
1. THE #$@! STAIRS
Sorry to start off on such a strong note, but this had to be the first one, and we all know exactly why.
Exactly. Why.
2. School doesn't actually let out at 4:30
I feel like our school days are 12 hours long half the time because of all the rehearsals and after school activities we have.
3. You won't know until the day of what you are doing
Our lives are just one big improv scene.
4. We have the best football team in Washington County
And yes, we are better than North's football team.
5. We "like" to sing happy birthday to people at lunch
We all actually don't like doing it, but we feel obligated to half the time.
6. When crossing the streets of downtown we just go for it
Jokes on you because we actually want to get hit so that we can avoid presenting our (insert whatever assignment you have that day.)
7. If you don't know you ask Mrs. Webb
Mrs. Webb is the only one that knows what's going on in that entire school. I swear that this is true. Also, as soon as you enter the school she becomes your mom. Accept that.
Mrs. Hunt is always watching. Always.
9. Go ahead and try to go to your locker on the catwalk before the bell rings
Ms. Ridenour will give you a glare that will pierce your sole and end your existence.
10. Alumni will comeback and you better be happy about it
We will literally come the day after graduation and we expect you to act like you haven't seen us in years.
11. Yes, we are an arts school. No, that does not mean we want you to sing at lunch.
Yeah, sorry. We hear enough of that in class.
12. We aren't really sure what our school colors are
Gold? Silver? Black? Purple? White? Gray? All of them?
13. The BISFA student section will forever be lit
It is obviously for the great football team that we have.
14. Every building is a different temperature
It's good to pack about 3 different outfits so that you can change accordingly.
15. Our teachers all have lowkey nicknames
For example: Dr. RobHov, Doc, Stokesy, Matty D, and Weary (you always leave out the Mr. this is CRUCIAL.)
16. We really are a family.
It's true. We are one big, dysfunctional family.
We may have our fights, but at the end of the day, there isn't a single thing I wouldn't do for one of my FAMtoms.