My birthday is on Christmas Eve, and honestly, it has its pros and cons. I'm sure you can relate if your birthday is anywhere near Christmas like mine. I've had twenty years worth of experience with a Christmas Eve birthday, and here are some things I'm sure you can relate to if today is your birthday, or if it is close to Christmas at all!
1. "Aww, you're a Christmas baby!"

Yes, and yes... I did come home in a stocking.
2. Some people: "Oh, you must get tons of presents!"

But... in all reality...
3. A lot of your presents are one present that is both your birthday and Christmas present.
4. Often times, Santa got cake and not cookies.

5. Every birthday wish also comes with a "Merry Christmas!"
6. Both times you get presents during the year is back to back.

7. Sometimes people forget because they're caught up in the holiday season.
8. Literally, every restaurant is closed on your birthday and it is almost impossible to go out to eat.

9. If you had a party on your actual birthday, hardly anyone would come because it is too close to Christmas.
10. No matter the cons, it is cool to tell people your birthday is Christmas Eve.

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