Your first semester of senior year is coming to an end. Before you know it, you'll be walking across the stage accepting your high school diploma. Senior year is such an exciting time. You are so close to reaching the end of high school, and you cant wait to go to college. But don't wish away your senior year. Cherish every moment you spend at your high school. Do anything and everything you can to make your senior year the best year.
1. Go to as many sporting events as you can.
Cheer on your fellow friends in basketball, soccer, swimming, diving, wrestling, baseball, lacrosse (yes, women's lacrosse, too), and anything else. Scream as loud as you can at the games, and let the athletes know how much you are rooting for them. High school sporting events can be so much fun if you allow them to be.
2. Have a conversation with a custodian.
They work so hard. Think about what your school would look like if no one was there to clean the bathrooms or sweep up all of the Doritos crumbs on the classroom floor. It wouldn't be pleasant. Take the time to talk to a custodian and thank them for what they do.
3. Go to a school play.
Some people go all four years of high school without attending a single school play. This is a mistake. The drama department puts in so much effort to produce plays for the school. Even if you aren't a huge fan of drama, give the school play a chance.
4. Don’t wear makeup to school.
You’ve most likely spent the past three years trying to impress people at your school. Everyone already knows you by this point, so why worry about your appearance? Wake up in the morning, put your hair up in a messy bun, throw up a peace sign, and walk out the door (don’t forget to brush your teeth, though).
5. Skip class.
This may not be my wisest advice, but that’s okay. You’re a senior. You can just about do anything you want and get away with it. Don’t be afraid to miss a class here and there. Most of your senior classes are pointless anyway.
6. Wear Heelys to school.
This is an odd one, I know. You're just going to have to trust me. Flying down a school hallway past a huge crowd of students is one of the best feelings in the world. Plus, everyone will notice you. If you don’t have Heelys (you should), roller blades will probably work too.
7. Roam the halls like a badass.
You should do this just because you can. Plus, it’s a lot of fun. Whenever you go to the bathroom during class, take your sweet time. Walk to your favorite teacher’s room and pop your head in to say hello. Take a trip through the courtyard. Do whatever your heart desires. You’re a senior and you’re a badass, so why not roam the halls like one?
8. Visit the principal.
Unless you're a huge trouble maker or the president of some important club, you probably haven't ever gone to see your principal. Your principal does a lot for your school. Make the time to go visit him/her and say hello. It might be awkward, but it’s worth it.
9. Wear as much apparel as you can.
I know this may sound silly, but take advantage of being able to wear your high school apparel. Don't be ashamed of it. You only have a few more months left to wear the 50-some t-shirts you have from various school events, so rep your school everywhere you go.
10. Talk to a freshman in the hall.
You're a senior now, and even though it probably doesn't feel like it, younger students look up to you. Talk to a freshman in the hallway on your way to class just because you can. You don't have to spend every second of every day with other upperclassmen. Chat with a freshmen in the hall, and you’ll probably make their day.
11. Check out of school to go get food.
Some students are privileged enough to go to a high school where you are allowed to leave for lunch, but most schools don't allow this. Get a parent (or yourself) to write a note so you can check out of school during lunch. You work hard as a senior. You deserve Chick-fil-A for lunch every once in a while.
12. Take as many pictures as you can.
This is so important. Senior year will be one of the best years of your life, and you are going to want to capture every moment of it. Take pictures at sporting events. Take pictures in class. Take pictures in the bathroom. I don't care where you like to take your pictures, just make sure you capture it all.
13. Attempt to eat the school lunch.
You may be one of those seniors who has never even stepped foot in the cafeteria. If that’s you, you should probably at least venture in there at some point. I promise it’s not that bad. While you’re in there, give the cafeteria food a try. And if you can’t bring yourself to eat the mystery meat and soggy french fries, at least buy a cookie or something.
14. Dance your heart out at prom.
Before you know it, prom season will be here and the promposals will begin. It doesn't matter who you go with to prom, just make sure you have fun. Enjoy every second of your last prom. Don’t leave after 30 minutes just because you want to get to the after party or beach or wherever else you may be going. Dance until you can’t dance anymore. Sing until you lose your voice. Have the time of your life.
15. Make your mark.
You have been at your high school for almost four years now, and it’s about time you make your mark. Leave your name somewhere in the school. Write it with sharpie on a desk, carve it into a table, paint it on the bathroom stall door. Whatever suits your fancy. Just make sure you leave your mark. When you come back to visit your high school in five years, you'll be glad you did.