Dog is a man's best friend...well anyone's best friend really. When you walk on campus, you see everyone walking their dog. They are so adorable that you can't help but stop and pet it. All you can think about afterwards is how you want a dog of your own now. Well, I'm here to tell you that there are 10 things you should know before you become a dog mom.
1. Dogs aren't cheap, especially puppies.
Dogs are cute, but have you really considered how much it will cost to take care of one? Puppies are even more expensive, especially the younger they are. If you aren't willing to commit to the amount of money it takes to take care of your dog, then maybe you should reconsider.
2. You become an early bird.
If you're used to sleeping in and getting a good nights rest, then think again. Dogs will sleep through the night with you, but just like you, they can't hold their pee in all night. You will have to wake up early to let your dog outside to pee. Most the time after that, they are ready for their food and are playful, so you won't really have any time to go back to sleep.
3. You are going to smell like dog.
You better buy an extra bottle of your favorite perfume, because the more you're around your dog, the more you will start to smell like one. Even if no one else can smell it on you, you can still smell it on yourself.
4. Everyone will want to pet your dog.
When you decide to walk your dog, especially on campus, everyone is going to want to pet it, so you better get used to it. Take pride in showing off your dog on campus, just don't get mad when people stop and ask to pet your dog.
5. They will follow you everywhere.
Be prepared to keep your doors open wherever you go, because that dog will follow you everywhere. It will walk in the bathroom with you and even lay by your feet while you are using the toilet. There is no personal space.
6. If you don't like to walk, that's about to change.
Dogs need daily exercise so they don't become overweight. If you are used to sitting on the couch all day and not doing anything, well that's going to change. Your dog should be walked at least once a day or get enough exercise that is equivalent to one walk. It's important that your dog is healthy.
7. Poop bags are a nightmare...
You can't just let your dog poop wherever it wants. You need to respect the wishes of those people who don't want poop in their yard. Poop bags will become a nightmare. No one likes to pick up after their dog, especially when it's not the shape or matter it should be in.
8. Harnesses make walking easier.
You could walk your dog using just the collar and a leash, but most likely your dog is going to resist and choke itself. The harness helps prevent choking for your dog and make it easier to walk in.
9. People will judge you.
You will have those people who will judge you and say "how do you have time for that dog?" or "how can you afford it?" Just ignore them. A dog will take a lot of time and money from you, but if you budget accordingly and set a routine for your dog, then you should be just fine. No one will understand your financial situation or what you do in your free time, so don't worry about what they say.
10. You are about to fall in love.
Yes, there are a lot of things to consider before becoming a dog mom, but it's rewarding. You have a dog who is willing to follow you anywhere and love you unconditionally. You will fall in love with this dog and it will fall in love with you. Treat it as if it were your baby. Adopting a dog will change your life and you'll love it.