1. Photos that don't accurately represent who you are as a person
Listen, I know you're in college and the cool thing to do right now is drink and post pictures of you drinking but, I can guarantee that is the #1 thing that you should not do. When you begin to job search and apply for positions, the first thing that an employer is going to do is Google your name. When your social media profiles pop up, is that picture really the first thing you want them to know about you? That you went to a bar last night and were up at all hours of the night getting drunk? I'm not saying don't drink, I'm just saying don't publicly advertise it.
2. Political drama
This seems to be what everyone is into right now especially since we are fresh out of an election year but FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, let it be. If someone's posts are bothering you, unfriend them, block them, do whatever but do not initiate an argument that could also be a cause for concern when you go to get a job. If someone's post is just down right ignorant, there is a way to let them know that, but I can assure you that the way to do that is NOT over Facebook.
3. Or any drama in general...
I get that people feel the need to protect their loved ones and friends, but why add fuel to the fire? They clearly posted whatever it was to get a rise out of you and you are feeding into it. It's one thing to instigate but it's another thing to egg your opponent on by continuously replying to their comments. Either drop it completely, take it to private messaging, or actually talk it out in person (what an archaic concept).
4. Rants and venting
Everyone needs to rant every once in a while but social media is not the place to do that. Do not post a long status about how awful your day was, that is not what any of these platforms were created for. You know what you should do in this situation? Call your mom, or your sister, or your best friend and talk to them about how a girl in your class abandoned you while preparing for a group presentation to go hit on this guy.
5. Friending people that you do not know
There is only one exception to this rule and that is when you are entering college and want to meet people who you are going to be attending school with. Other than that, don't friend the guy who took your order at McDonald's. He doesn't care about your life and honestly, that's just flat out creepy. A rule of thumb is if you have not met them in person at least once, there is no need to be friends with them on anything.
6. Reposting or sharing information that is not true
If there's one thing that I cannot stand, it's when people share, retweet, reblog, and whatever else information that is not true. Remember that video and story about the teacher that "snatched" the microphone away from a child with autism during a Thanksgiving play? I bet you'd be shocked to know that the child's mother demanded that her child be part of the play THE DAY OF the play and that there was an agreement that he was not supposed to have any lines since he was added so late. Two words for you all: FACT CHECK. Do your research before you post something and then you look like the ignorant one.