Aviation - it's everywhere. You see it most commonly with airplanes, although many things like birds and child's toys are classified under the category of aviation. As for aviation lovers, we are most commonly fascinated with airplanes and helicopters.
So what is it that makes these ginormous flying machines so intriguing? As an aviation lover myself, there are so many things that factor into this. I always wonder just how these huge Airbusses and Boeings are able to stay afloat so high in the air. The engineering behind these big planes is incredible. Not to mention, the view from 40,000 feet in the air. The first time I flew was when I was 5 years old, and I remember all of it. It was one of the best things that happened in my childhood. The fast and exhilarating take off is every aviation lovers' dream. You quickly start getting higher and higher as you're able to see more of planet earth below you. It's not only the flying that enthuses is aviation lovers, it's how the airplanes themselves look. Just seeing an airplane on the ground is enough to get our hearts racing, whether it's a smaller Cessna or a bigger commercial plane, they all give us a moment of "wow" and we can't help but stop and admire its beauty. Although I haven't flown in 13 years, it's such a passion of mine to fly again, hopefully sometime soon! Back to skies I go!