5. Being questioned incessantly about their racial origins | The Odyssey Online
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Politics and Activism

7 Thoughts That Go Through The Minds Of Every Asian American

The struggle is so real.

7 Thoughts That Go Through The Minds Of Every Asian American

Asian Americans are often caught between their traditionally Asian families at home and the much more independent atmosphere in America. From daily microaggressions to struggles between listening to parents and listening to society, these people experience a unique mixture of responses from society every day. For my fellow Asian Americans out there: you're not alone.

1. Worrying about grades all the time

"I got a B on my midterm, which was 10% higher than class average already, but would my parents scold me for getting anything below an A? Probably."

2. Debating whether items are on sale enough to buy

"This rice cooker is already 50% off with a complimentary bowl, but what if the sale is even bigger during Black Friday?"

3. Questioning friendships from non-Asian classmates

"Is this person really trying to become friends with me, or are they just another person who'll ask me for notes by week 3 in the semester?"

4. Wondering whether their very real problems are problematic enough for society

"Someone made slanty eyes at me across the street the other day and called me Asian beauty, but am I wrong to feel uncomfortable?"

5. Being questioned incessantly about their racial origins

"That lady tried to say "konnichiwa" to me and asked me if I knew her one Japanese friend, but I'm from the Bay Area and my parents are from Taiwan. I should've asked her where in Europe she was originally from and whether she knew the Queen of England."

6. Craving foods from home at any given time

"I had hotpot 3 days ago and beef noodle soup yesterday, but now I'm craving hotpot again BUT San Gabriel Valley is so far."

7. Boba

Always boba.

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How To Prepare For The Library: Finals Edition
Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

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