Everyone has things they shouldn't have done or regret doing. We all make mistakes and say/do stupid things we don't mean. I am certainly not an exception. I've messed up things and crossed the line at times so here are some things I am sorry for. I am not going to use names but, you know who you are and whatever I did to you.
・I'm sorry for taking more than one piece of candy even though the sign said "take one" when trick-or-treating.
・I'm sorry for hitting the mailbox with my car.
・I'm sorry for killing your tadpole, because I held it and they need to be in water.
・I'm sorry for hogging the remote.
・I'm sorry for not responding to your snapchat.
・I'm sorry for laughing at inappropriate times.
・I'm sorry for always stealing your light bulbs when one is out in my room.
・I'm sorry for locking you out of my car when you were teaching me how to drive.
・I'm sorry for getting your dog's head stuck in the strap on your backpack.
・I'm sorry for throwing up in your bed.
・I'm sorry for taking blurry pictures.
・I'm sorry for being so needy.
・I'm sorry for always making you drive.
・I'm sorry for America night at beach week.
・I'm sorry for taking your clothes without asking.
・I'm sorry for never paying you back whenever you buy me something and I say I will pay you pack.
・I'm sorry for not thinking before I speak at times.
・I'm sorry for pretending to like lima beans.
・I'm sorry for being asleep when you got locked out of your house and didn't answer my phone.
・I'm sorry for not hanging out with you more.
・I'm sorry I threatened to throw rocks at your head in the third grade.
・I'm sorry for sneaking into that R rated movie before I was 17.
・I'm sorry for being bossy.
・I'm sorry for throwing up in your brand new car.
・I'm sorry for the time I went into a maternity store and pretended my mom was pregnant and had you show me outfits I could get for her.
・I'm sorry for making you ride that roller coaster even though you are afraid of them.
・I'm sorry for getting the balloons stuck in the trees.
・I'm sorry for the 8 billion other things that I have probably done.
Also sorry for all the stupid stuff I am going to do in the future. Everybody messes up and sometimes just apologizing can make all the difference.