When I think of the word "hoard" I think of the people that go to the extremes on the show "Hoarders." That show highlights people who of the verge of a hoarding crisis, but I think everyone has a bit of hoarding in them. I like keeping ticket stubs, small notes that friends wrote me back in middle school or clothes that clearly don't fit, but are just "too cute to get rid of." However, sometimes clutter can begin to build up and you look around and wonder how in the world you ended up with so much... stuff. Sometimes you need to let go and get rid of the things you know you will never look at again until you spontaneously clean your room and start shifting through it all again.
Here are a few things that you may be keeping that you think you need, that may just need to be tossed:
1. Letters from old boyfriends
As much as you thought you were going to smile and reminisce on all the ~good days~ together, you're not. You're going to find it 2 years later in a stack of old school papers and magazines, wonder how you guys dated in the first place and then forget about it again. This time, just recycle them all.
2. Any clothes you still have from middle school for "memorabilia"
If you have a shirt that you wore in the eighth grade still hanging in your closet just because it still fits you and you're "totally still going to wear it sometime," get rid of it. I've been there and, trust me, you will not wear it. Eighth grade you left it there for a reason, now is it's time to go.
3. All the earrings you only have one of
Sometimes when you lose one half to a pair of earrings, you keep the other one for awhile in case you ever stumble upon it's other half; however, if that one earring has been sitting in your jewelry box for over a year...just ditch the pearl and get a new pair.
4. Stretched out bobby pins and hair ties
Every time I reach for a bobby pin and grab one that has been stretched out, I just throw it back and search for a new one. Instead, unlike me, just throw them out. They clearly aren't going to be used since they are stretched out. The same goes for stretched out hair ties. They don't do the job, so you tend to just avoid using them. Just throw them out.
5. Super old make-up
I know you may think the mascara that you got during Christmas is still okay to be using now, but it's not. Using old make-up is just bad for you in general, so there is no use keeping it around.
6. All the sample-sized hygiene products
Unless you genuinely use a product and like it, keeping all the mini versions of random shampoos, perfumes, lotions or whatever it may be, is useless. If you don't like a product, you aren't going to use it, even if it is mini and adorable.
7. Â Old underwear or bras that have lost their stretch/are over-worn
You may have a favorite, but you need to be realistic: if it's not doing it's job, it's time for it to go. Clothing like bras and underwear can get worn down quicker than other clothing, so cycling out appropriately is important. (Plus, now you can take yourself on a fun shopping spree!)
The list could go on, but everyone has something that they like to hoard. Maybe try to catch it though before TLC contacts you.