17 Things Alternative Girls Are Tired of Hearing, As Told By Sam Manson From Danny Phantom
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17 Things Alternative Girls Are Tired of Hearing, As Told By Sam Manson From Danny Phantom

"I want to hear an alternative viewpoint, and I don't want girls to be defanged and declawed and pretty and mute." - Shirley Manson

17 Things Alternative Girls Are Tired of Hearing, As Told By Sam Manson From Danny Phantom
Cartoon Bucket

1. "You're never going to get a job dressed/ looking like that."

First of all, just because we have a certain fashion style doesn't mean that we dress that way all the time!! Just like I'm sure you wouldn't wear your "f me frat party pumps" and "basic bitch crop top" to a job interview, I'm not going to wear a pair of distressed jeans and a Slipknot t-shirt to mine. I don't need to dress for that potential job I want or have when I'm not even in the process of working or applying there at the moment.

2. "How can you listen to that screaming stuff you call music?"

The answer is: I can listen to it the same way you listen to that drug worshipping, women degrading crap you call poetry (rap). If you don't like metal or rock n' roll, maybe you shouldn't appropriate the culture by dressing the part.

3. "Do you worship Satan?"

First of all, the world of rock, punk, and metal music has people of all different types of faiths. Pagan faiths, Satanistic faiths, agnostic, and yes, Christian AND Catholic faiths. Have you ever heard of Creed or Flyleaf? Yeah, they are two very religious Christian rock bands... so it's not safe to assume that our style insinuates that we all hail satan.

4. "You would be so pretty if you dressed normally."

You're right, I would be pretty... but I'm also pretty when I don't dress "normal." Just because I don't dress like every other Kylie Jenner wannabe on the street does not automatically make me physically less attractive. Yeah, that's right. You heard me. It seems as if people are jealous because they aren't confident enough to rock the style I love or because it's not mainstream at the moment. Maybe, they're simply too afraid of what other people are going to think.

5. "Are you a vampire?"

Maybe I'm more of a night person, get over it!! I'm not the only one, but that doesn't mean I hate the sun. Actually it just really hurts my eyes and makes me go blind because my eyes are blue and sensitive, and I don't prefer to sweat while walking at a normal pace.

6. "How do you live in the summer?"

Same way you do! I wear shorts, tank tops, and dresses. Just because my tank top has a band or skull on it doesn't make it any warmer or less "appropriate."

7. "It's just a phase."

Let me give you an example of something that's a phase: being sick. It is a phase in getting over a virus or infection you have. This is similar to trends that people follow in order to gain popularity, fame, money, etc. You're going through something, experiencing something to get to another point or achieve something.

8. "Goth girls can't be feminine or girly."

Feminine or girly does not fit one style. Goth is actually very feminine, people just can't seem to get passed the dark colors and studs.

9. "Why do you wear so much black/ eyeliner?"

I like wearing black because it's easy, it looks good, it matches with everything and is flattering. I wear dark eyeliner because I love how it makes my blue eyes pop. It makes me confident while I'm walking down the street. And lastly, I wear it because, at the end of the day, I can wipe it off. You can't say the same about those trendy lip injections everyone is getting nowadays.

10. "You just want attention."

No, I'm just expressing myself. If I wanted attention, I would get a boob job, lip injections, and wear the revealing, yet somehow not provocative clothing every other girl wears. Am I the only one who notices how much people sexualize punk and alternative fashion, even though we are generally more covered up than other females?

This question brings me to my next point.

11. "I bet you're kinky in bed."

Again, another assumption, and sexualization of alternative clothing. A person's sexual preferences really are uncorrelated to the way they dress. If girls are out here preaching "my outfit doesn't determine my consent," how are you going to say the exact opposite regarding a particular fashion? Actually, I usually dress my edgiest when I go out to prevent guys from approaching me. I want to look mean because I don't want to be bothered, NOT the opposite.

12. "No decent guy would want to date someone that looks like you."

So you're saying in order for a guy to be considered decent, he merely has to dress nice, preppy, and/or classy. Forget about his morals and values as a person... Who cares if he has a record of sexual assault and rape, right? As long as he wears a polo and owns a few suits...

13. "Oh, I don't actually listen to (insert band here) I'm just wearing this cause I thought it looked badass."

Nothing irritates an alternative girl more than a person who wears a band t-shirt of a band they don't listen to, appreciate, or know. Stop being a poser, you look dumb. Additionally, for the amount of shit alternative girls have gotten over their lives for the way they dress, it's extremely irritating to see girls who used to make fun of the way I dress, now appropriating the culture without actually knowing anything about it, let alone respecting the music it revolves around.

14. "What are you going to do when you get old?"

Still be a badass. What about you?

15. "I bet more guys would like you if you didn't always look like you're going to a funeral."

First of all, it's a color and a popular color at that. People wear all black for various reasons, not just because they're a punk, goth, or emo. They wear it because it's easy to match, it looks sleek, looks classy, edgy, or professional, and can make you look slimmer. Just because I prefer to wear darker colors, doesn't automatically make me depressed or mentally ill.

16. "Wow, you play sports? You don't look like the type."

Well, maybe that's because I wear workout clothes when I'm actually going to work out instead of as a fashion statement.

17. "Why don't you try to fit in?"

It shouldn't matter. Honestly, it shouldn't. I have friends with several different personalities, music tastes, and fashion styles. You don't need to compromise yourself to make friends. You should appreciate your differences, instead of pointing them out and immediately turning your nose up at them. This is the very reason I have come to love and appreciate different genres of music. Just because I grew up listening to a select few genres, doesn't mean I can't branch out.

Either way, alternative fashion has come out of the shadows and is actually becoming pretty popular... even if a good majority of the girls jumped on the bandwagon as soon as Kylie Jenner Dyed her hair green and rocked a band t-shirt. Either way,

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