Even Grey's Anatomy's finest waits till last minute from time to time!
1. You know far too well that people come and go, so you only bother to get to know the ones who are going to stick around!
Like Cristina, you probably put off learning the names and faces of people you have mutual friends with, or you are introduce to at a party. You're a busy person, and you make time for your friends and the people you love who have a place in your life, and you have a place in theirs!
2. You're always in a rush, and "prioritizing" is your middle name.
Because your free time is so limited, you only devote yourself to worthy causes that capture your attention! But the promise of food always persuades you to comply.
3. You never have time to change, and you often dress inappropriately for an occasion.
You wear your gym clothes just about everywhere - yes, you even rock your Lulus at the bar - but who cares? You look good doing it.
4. You start your essay due at 11:59pm at roughly 11:35pm, and realize that you probably shouldn't have underestimated the assignment and overestimated your BS abilities.
Do people still actually read textbooks they buy for class? Asking for a friend.
5. You're always running 10 minutes late, and when all your friends are ready to go out, you are nowhere near prepared to be seen in public.
We've all been there. All of us.
6. Even though you're well aware of your flaws, let's face it. You have no spare time in your day to work on bettering yourself.
I'll think about it tomorrow.
7. You know that you have to make things happen in your life, because they're not going to just happen... But wouldn't it be nice if it did?
If you find another available country Cristina, I call dibs.
8. Your professor gives you a month to complete assignment, and even though you choose to start 2 days prior to the deadline, it's still his fault.
Never take the blame in the procrastination game!
9. Getting to work late is the norm for you, but you're the only one who's allowed to criticize your tardiness!
When people start noticing your procrastination tendencies, you won't stand for it.
10. You're bad at making time for your friends because you're so preoccupied with yourself and how behind on life you are.
Waiting until last minute isn't always so great... Make time for those who matter!