If you were born in the 90s there's some trends and popular items you just can't turn your head on. The 90s were great for multiple reasons and causes. Here's a list of things you thought you'd outgrow, but never really did:
Getting excited when you see Mad Libs.
I will probably never outgrow Mad Libs. My kids will do Mad Libs. My kid's kids will do Mad Libs. My kid's kid's kids will do Mad Libs... you get the picture. Mad Libs are the foundation of my childhood.
Instantly wake up when the theme song of "Fresh Prince of Bel Air" randomly comes on at 2 a.m.
This will forever be my favorite show, favorite theme song, and favorite actors. Hands down. Let's be real, people will never understand the true meaning unless they stayed up late to watch this show. Must be a 90s thing.
Reminisce over your old "Now" CDs.
There's too many times I have gone through my old boxes of junk to find a good handful of "Now" CDs that I can't help but jam out too.
Make fortune tellers when you’re just really that bored.
Anyone else remember these? Back in the note-passing days... Nothing beats a good ole fashion fortune teller.
Play MASH just to see how hilariously pathetic your life will turn out.
This was definitely one way to low-key see how your life would (or would not) end up with your crush. Ya know... just "randomly throwing a name in there"...
Dig your fingers into Flarp when you just so happen to walk down that isle at Walmart because who doesn’t love fart noises?
I don't think anyone will ever outgrow FLARP... No one can pass up the temptation to dig their fingers deep into the squishy goodness.
Occasionally look up how much your Beanie Babies are worth now.
Don't you just wish you kept every single one of them? They're worth so much money now! I always tried to collect every sing one.
Whip out the Bop It to school younger generations just to prove you still got it like it was 1996.
This was by far my favorite thing to do as a kid...and still do when ever there is one in my sight. These were too addicting.
Fanny packs – don’t deny it, just accept it.
We all die at the chance to throw on our perfect fanny for the perfect occasion.
Thinking chokers are still a thing again
Not that I didn't love chokers back then... but now they're resurfacing and the inner me is rejoicing.
Leaving notes because text messages just don’t cut it sometimes
I still leave little notes for my boyfriend or roommates because the element of surprise is always fun. Plus it's always a tactful way to leave a message.