The year 2016 has taught me a lot of things. It has been so many things. Here is what I have learned.
1. How to love
2. Guard your heart
3. Life is whimsy
4. Jesus is better
Than any victory
Than any failure
5. Pizza is really worth it
6. Take chances
7. Be passionate
Wildly passionate
8. It is finished
9. Laugh a lot
Be gooooofy
10. Let people love you
11. Let people sanctify you
12. Share your favorites!
13. Care deeply
14. Be careful
But not too careful
15. Love well enough
To let people do what they need
Regardless of you
16. Affliction is momentary
17. Do all things to bring God glory
18. Be bold
19. People can feel like home
20. Someone’s smile can feel like home
21. Feelings are fleeting
22. I am homesick for heaven
But God has me here on mission
23. God is not in a box
He works everywhere
24. He works according to Himself
Not according to us
25. I am sinful
But I am loved
26. Sleep is important
27. So is chocolate
28. So is running
29. But mostly pizza and chocolate
30. Go on road trips
31. "Busy" is a horrible excuse
Being busy is a real thing
It should never stop you
From loving well
32. Pray.
33. Be a warrior.
34. Nothing is permanent
35. I'm no longer a slave to fear
I am a child of God
36. Taylor Swift is bomb
So is trail mix
37. I am not in control
That’s a good thing
I would be a mess if I were
For some reason I still think I am
But I'm really not
38. Calories are not bad
39. Ask for joy
He will provide
40. Be vulnerable
41. Be selfless
42. Be still
43. Seek joy
44. Seek laughter
45. Be intentional
46. Trust.
47. Have wild gratitude.
48. Hug often!!!!!
49. The saddest goodbyes
Aren’t always the sweetest hellos
50. Seriously pizza is so good
51. Seasons change
People do too
52. You are ok
53. You are not your weight
54. You are not your grades
55. You are not your past
56. Listen to your heart
Don’t disregard that because it's cheesy
57. Love passionately
Even when it's hard
Even when it's one sided
Even when you're sad
58. It’s ok to not be ok
It’s not ok to stay that way
59. Grace is pivotal
60. Freedom is real!!!!!!!!!!!
61. You’re not stuck
62. Chase freedom
Really fast
63. Chase surrender
Really fast
64. Be driven by your gratitude
Not shame
Not fear
65. Time heals
That doesn't always mean hours
Or days
Or sometimes weeks
But months. Months heal.
66. Simplify
67. If you have
The chance
To go
68. Eat pizza
70. Drew Holcomb
71. Mumford and Sons
72. Penny and Sparrow
73. And Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”
74. I've always pretended to like bacon
I really actually don't
It just seems like a thing everyone likes
75. Apparently??? There are people who hate chocolate
76. Comparison is a thief of joy
So are expectations!
77. When someone meets you
They should feel like
They just met heaven
78. Caution!!!!!!
Do not claim a t-shirt as your favorite!
You will without a doubt stain it the next day!!!
79. We live in a broken world
Live as a warrior against brokenness
And a soldier for truth
80. You are not alone.