Growing up in the 2000s was... well, interesting. A lot went on. This time was one of the most fashion-forward, and the TV and music was either extremely weird or the best ever. We wouldn't have wanted to have grown up in any other decade.
1. Begging your parents for one of these bad boys.
And maybe asking to add an iDog in the cart as well.
2. Having play dates with friends just to play on these.
So much happened in those chat rooms.
3. The best TV shows of all time on Disney Channel.
Don't lie, you would still watch these shows if you had the chance.
4. Making these as a symbol of friendship.
They took forever, but were also pretty addicting.
5. Wanting your hair like this.
But your parents would never allow it.
6. Owning one of these (and being extremely creeped out by it).
What were these, and why were they even a thing?
7. Seeing every kid's arm like this.
If you didn't have Silly Bandz, you weren't a kid.
8. Owning, or at least playing with, one of these.
You were SO cool.
9. Finally, having one of these in your hair.
Picking the color was a serious decision.