Life isn't exactly a piece of cake all of the time.
Every single one of us has gone through a rough patch in life. If you have not, congratulations, I hope it stays that way.
Everyone around me knows me as the positive one, the one who constantly looks at life as the glass half-full. However, little do my friends and family know, I sometimes have my days where I am negative to.
I do not like to focus on the negative because I am fortunate enough to have a lot of blessings in my life. When rough patches hit I usually just try to think about what it coming next that will get me out of my funk.
Recently though I hit rock bottom and for the first time in my life I did not know what to do.
So, like the title says, there is a best side to rock bottom.
So what is it?
The best thing about rock bottom is it allows you to yield all control over to God.
While these past few months have been more intense then I would have wanted, my faith has been stronger than I ever would have imagined.
You see when you hit rock bottom, you have a clear vision to look up.
Most people make the assumption when we are suffering that Jesus is far away. However, when we are suffering, we can sympathize with the suffering image of Christ. While we will never know the complete suffering of Christ, whenever we go though challenges we get a glimpse into what He has suffered.
The worst night of these past five months, I skimmed through my Bible looking for an answer to my struggles. During my struggles I found the verse Romans 5:8.
The verse Romans 5:8 says, " But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
Ever since that day, I have been able to face my challenges with a new light. This verse allowed me to start crawling out of rock bottom. Am I still seeing the glass a bit half-empty? Yes, but I know my loving God will be with me until the glass is half-full.
I'm not the perfect Christian, Catholic, or follower of Christ. However, I try and when all else fails I give everything up to my Lord. He wants to have your struggles and He will not abandon you.