I was reluctant to write this post because I don’t want to seem like I am dissing any body type or any person that has or is having confidence about their body. So I want to start off by saying all body types are beautiful and it takes all different types to make the world go round. I just thought I would share about my body type and the different things I hear and deal with basically on a regular basis.
If I had to use one word to describe my body type it would be scrawny. I have been thin my entire life. I guess it’s a mix between genetics and a high metabolism, but I honestly don’t know exactly why I am the size I am. When I was younger it wasn’t as apparent to me that I was smaller than everyone else. I figured once everyone hit puberty and had their growth spurts everyone would kind of even out.
Well I was very much mistaken because as I watched girls get taller their body filled out with them. I just got a little taller but my “baby weight” didn’t get evenly dispersed throughout my body. I really started to notice that puberty had come and gone when I was in high school. I had girls in my freshman class that I swore had to be at least a junior, but no, they just had a body. All of the sudden everyone became so much more invested in their appearance and wanting to impress boys. People started dating and to no surprise the people that were in relationships had boobs, a butt, or both. As much as you want to believe guys are attracted to girls because of their personality and pretty smile, it’s just not the truth. Yes, I absolutely think those traits factor in to why a guy is attracted to a girl, but I also think a large factor is if that girl has a “hot” body.
The realization that no matter how funny or smart you are will not get a guy to notice you unless you also have a good figure sucks so much. It’s true I can’t wear anything strapless because I don’t have the boobs to keep my dress up. Yeah I can’t twerk or take a picture at the beach of just my backside to show off my booty because I have no butt. I know it’s just a straight line and I don’t have a Coke-Cola bottle body shape. Way back in the day men would look at a woman to see if she had good “birthing hips” when deciding who he should marry. So, I guess that means I will never find a man. However none of this makes me any less of a woman. Let alone a person who has feelings! I am all about body positive messages, but I’m sorry last time I checked, Meghan Trainor, I was not made of “silicone” nor am I a “Barbie doll.” I am made up of flesh and bone just like every other human. I am proud to be the size I am because as long as I am healthy and not hurting others, I am going to own the fact that I can save money on clothes by shopping in the kids department.
That doesn’t mean I don’t have bad days when I feel bad about my size and wish I looked different. I will never forget my teacher keeping me after class and asking me if I was anorexic. That made me feel horrible about myself and also beyond furious that some people might think I’m not healthy. So I have made up a list of some things that people have said to me about being skinny that have made me want to cry and punch them in the face simultaneously.
1. “How can you be out of shape you’re skinny?”
2. “I could break you in half like a twig.”
3. “When was the last time you ate?”
4. “You can’t eat all that food you’re tiny!”
5. “Why did you order a salad?”
6. “I would let you borrow it, but you would never fit in any of my clothes.”
7. “You don’t have to worry about that you’re skinny.”
8. “Are you even 100 pounds?”
9. “You are so light!”
10. “So you’re just like naturally skinny or something?”
Yeah don’t say any of those things to people that are naturally thin because trust us…WE KNOW! So take me or leave me, but this is what I look like and I think I’m pretty great.