On Black Friday, in addition to looking for clothes (of course), my sister and I were in search of something a little different: a gym membership. Although many people tend to associate Black Friday with material gifts, we decided to use it as a chance to better our lifestyle.
Now, my sister and I are not heavy, in fact we are fairly thin. However, I feel that it is extremely important to point out the fact that this does NOT make us healthy. In my case, since beginning college, I have adopted very unhealthy eating habits and eat out multiple times a week. In addition to taking a toll on my already small bank balance, I've noticed that these habits have begun to impact me negatively.
Here are the top three things I've noticed a change in:
1) My Energy Levels: I frequently feel tired and don't want to do as many things as I used to.
2) My Mood: I feel like I am more easily agitated and stressed.
3) My Skin: I used to have very clear skin, but I've noticed that it looks a little red-ish now and doesn't have the same glow that it used to.
So, taking these things into account, you can see why I've decided that it was time for a change. Now I know that the gym won't change my eating habits, but it is a step in the right direction.
In the past, joining a gym has motivated me enough to really begin caring about the food that I put in my body. As a college student, it is so easy to choose convenience over health, but after years of choosing the "easy" option, I am ready to start putting my health first.
Although I'm a little hesitant about starting this right before the holidays, I feel like it will be good practice for me. I, like many others who are looking to be healthy, need to learn that it's not about eating lettuce all day every day, and rather about finding a healthy balance that leaves you feeling energized, healthy and happy.