Hair (whether it is thick, thin, straight, or curly) is a nuisance. Sadly, I was cursed with thick and curly hair which basically means it is impossible to manage my hair. Here are just a few struggles or girls who have thick hair.
I HAVE THE KNOTTIEST HAIR EVER! It takes years (not literally) to untangle those knots.
“You don’t brush your hair?!”
As a matter of fact, I don’t. I only comb my hair when I get out of the shower because if I brush my hair, it turns into a huge poof ball!
If it is humid, it rains, mists, fogs, etc. my hair turns into a frizzy mess. Even if my hair is up, somehow the frizz gets to my baby hairs and they go all whacky.
“Why don’t you ever wear your hair down?”
My hair is too thick to handle and it takes too long to do anything with. IT IS A MONSTROSITY THAT I CAN’T HANDLE AND WILL NEVER BE PREPARED FOR!
I know all girls go through this, but I feel like since my hair is so thick I shed so much more hair than the average girl. I loose clumps at a time but luckily I have so much extra hair to cover up my bald spots.
“Your hair looks good straightened; you should wear it like that more.”
Well thanks, but it takes me almost an hour to straighten my hair and I need my beauty sleep!
R.I.P Hair Ties
I’ve lost so many good men trying to hold up my hair. My hair ties break all the time or get too stretched out to use anymore so I have an extra hair tie with me at all times. Every once in a while though, I lose two at a time.
“Why is your eye so red?”
Interesting question! Well, to answer this question… I just whipped myself in the eye with my hair. My hair is so thick and heavy that when it hits my eyes I basically go blind for a solid 5 minutes.
Shampoo and Conditioner
I go through bottles and bottles of shampoo and conditioner and I don’t have enough money to continue on with this journey!
I hope you enjoyed reading about my little rant on how thick hair sucks!