As a writer one of your goals is to have your work interest others enough to read them. I have always hoped my words would interest people, so when it actually started happening; I kind of freaked out.
I am a nervous anxiety driven writer who took a very long time to even acknowledge myself as a writer. After I did that I would question Professors and friends who read my essays and stories when they told me how good it was. I always felt like they were not as good as they said. It’s honestly a shock hearing people praise me for my writing. “You’re such a good writer,” really bro? It is super hard for me to take a compliment; I blush and get embarrassed while saying thank you.
One of my favorite classes is my special topics class which concentrates on the essay. Our first couple of writings dealt with the personal essay and I wrote about what I like best, my family. When you’re an Indian Guyanese girl who has grown up in a conservative family like me, you have got some pretty damn impressive material to work with. I knew whatever I wrote for homework and essays had a definite chance of being talked about out loud during discussions in class. I wrote personal words anyhow because eventually I knew as a writer more and more people should hear my life story. What was the point in delaying it?
As my professor talked about what I wrote and my class heard it, they were interested. This was a class full of people I had never talked or seen before. And here they were, interested in what I had to say, wanting to learn more about me. Again, it was shocking. My heart was beating fast and I answered some questions that my Professor asked me. I couldn’t believe the whole situation, it was weird and new. I liked it though. It felt nice and was a big confidence boost for me. It’s funny looking back seeing how I have grown as a writer and I can’t wait to see where I will end up in the future.
Feedback is vital to writers as well as support. I’m grateful for friends that actually take time to read my stories and tell me what sounds good and what doesn’t. Putting personal words onto paper or the internet is scary and worrisome. Does it sound like you’re whining or complaining? Do you sound stupid, is the grammar correct? Are people going to like it? Will they share it with their friends and loved ones? Writing will take you on a mystery journey and you just have to go with it. It’s terrifying, but what else would you expect from baring your soul into words that strangers will read.