Everyone says the Falcons lost the super bowl. That is both a correct and an incorrect statement. What is more accurate is that the Falcons didn’t win the title of Super Bowl LI Champion. While that is a loss and much of the Atlanta and Georgia population is very disappointed, it by no means determines that they lost.
The journey to the Super Bowl is a long and arduous process. First you must play through many games against many different teams for months on end. This all determines where you place within your respective region. If you don’t win enough games or the right games then you don’t even get truly considered for the big game.
If you’re lucky enough to make it to playoff then you must go against the best teams in the country to compete for one of two spots. So just making it to playoffs is a big accomplishment. Then it’s an even bigger accomplishment to make it to the bowl game.
So the Falcons can hold their heads high as can the fans just for making it.
To add, the team played admirably and very well during the game. Yes, it did not end in the way that was desired. That much is obvious and sad. However, they held the lead and gave those Patriots a run for their money. As painful as it is to admit, the Patriots selected the right plays to get around the Falcons to take home the title.
So don’t look at it that the Falcons lost the Super Bowl, but try to see it as they made it to the Super Bowl and played with all their hearts. Because though we all wanted the title for them, it still means a whole lot that they were there and gave their very best effort.