These Weary Old Hands,
They’ve Been through so much.
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These Weary Old Hands,
They’ve worked very hard
Just to be where they are at
Right at this very Moment in time.
Through the birth of 2 Children,
Through the raising of these 2 children
Who are now Amazing Adults,
Through all the many losses,
Through comforting others
In their time of need,
These hands have worked so hard.
These weary old hands
Have made it through
These past 93 years.
These weary old hands
Are not only a testament
To all the many hours
Of cleaning and chores,
But these beautiful hands
Show that though life is hard,
Life is worth any struggle
That a person may encounter
At any point in time.
These weary old hands
Are the hands of a fighter.
These weary old hands
Are the hands of an angel
Who was sent from above
To bless the lives
Of all those that she has encountered.
These hands have worked hard
So that others may not have to.
These hands have worked so hard
To make life easier for her family.
These beautiful, weary old hands
Have held the hearts of many,
Showing love and showing compassion,
Showing the same Mercy
That God shows us.
These Beautiful, Weary Hands
Have helped many
Through times of trouble
And through times of Need.
These weary old hands,
Run Down, yet Elegant,
Show that no matter how long
A person lives before passing on,
They should do their best
To succeed in life,
Even if it means
Having to do a lot of work.
The more work a person does
Throughout their lifetime,
The better results they have
Both later in life,
As well as better lives
For those after them.
These hands are alluring,
They tell the story
Of a life well spent.
These hands,
Though weary and wore out,
Show how much joy
A person can receive in life,
Even when life seems to be
Long and Troublesome.
These hands,
They are the hands
Of a Loving Grandma.
A Grandma who has been there
For both of her kids,
Who has been there
For all her Grandkids.
A Grandma who is now
Having the favor returned,
And being cared for
By her Kids and her Grandkids
Who all love her so much.
Grandma, thank you for all that you've done for everybody. Not only have you raised two kids, but you've also helped to raise four grandchildren and even watched as two of those grandchildren got married. You are a fighter, you are an inspiration, and you are an amazing Christian influence. You are loved by so many, and you have touched everybody's lives that you have come in contact with. Everyone loves you so much, and we want what is best for you in every situation.