7 Ways Of Thinking That Will Make You Happier | The Odyssey Online
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7 Ways Of Thinking That Will Make You Happier

Remember: you are loved every step of the way, and make sure to live your best life possible.

7 Ways Of Thinking That Will Make You Happier
Kyle Keca

Life. It can be a very complicated thing, and I think that's an understatement, regardless of what Confucius says. As a college student, I sometimes feel so overwhelmed by homework and various other obligations that I almost lose it. It can be difficult to find time for things that we thoroughly enjoy and make us happy, but that's just the reality that we all have to face sometimes. And sometimes, it's not just time that is a barrier to doing the things that make us content; extreme social media influences, problems in any sort of relationship, or overthinking/worrying can be a seemingly-unbreakable wall to living a positive life.

I know that everyday isn't going to be the best day possible. I know that happiness for some of us is a world away from happening because everybody is in a different situation with different variables in their lives. But in the aggregate, having a positive mindset is something I believe is a key to life itself. Here are some ways of thinking and some habits (from my experience) that are almost certain to put you in a better mood...and what better way to start an article about happiness than a GIF of The Rock smiling?

1. You can use social media, but just not too much of it!

Yes, I did.

Ahh, social media. It's the thing we are all pretty much addicted to. Snapchat is my personal favorite, Instagram isn't too far behind, and Facebook just dominates life in general. However, it is important to remember that while social media is a fun thing to use, there is a limit to how much fun you can actually get out of it.

It has been proven that teens that use social media too much have a higher chance of feeling left out of all the fun by viewing their friends' Snapchat stories or Instagram pictures. Believe me, the feeling of being left out is not a good one, as everyone can attest to. But if you limit your time spent on these apps, you will have a higher chance of being able to live YOUR best life instead of feeling like you HAVE to do something comparable to your friends.

2. Do NOT, under ANY circumstances, compare yourself to others.

This is something that I used to struggle with, and if I'm being honest, still do struggle with at some points. It is easy to fall into the trap of wanting what other people seem to have, whether it be amazing grades, the seemingly "best" body that is judged by society, more friends (which I will get to later on)...the list can go on. But the fact of the matter is, everybody is their own individually unique person, each with their own traits and quirks that separate everyone from each other. We are all born into different lives with different sets of family, friends, and abilities. Comparing yourself to what others are and have is similar to comparing apples to oranges; there is no adequate comparison. I am a firm believer that every single person has their own beauty inside of them, which makes the need to constantly compare instantly refutable.

3. Do not feel like you need "more" friends.

Friendships are an incredible blessing. Your friends are the people you can tell anything, and they're the people you can go to for some great advice. But there is a dark side to this coin. I have come to realize that some people think that they don't have "enough" friends, and because of this, they feel lonely and inadequate as individuals. However, I am here to say that you should not have any fear about having "enough" besties! In fact, science proves it. We as humans are only capable of keeping a handful of good friendships. But it goes beyond that. As long as you are comfortable with the friends you do have, it doesn't matter if you have one friend of one hundred; a friendship is a friendship, and that bond alone is special.

4. Drink lots of water!

This is more of a physical trick that helps me throughout the day. Drink the H2O!! The more water you drink, the better it is for your body. It's science at its finest! Now don't go around drinking water until you feel bloated and in pain, because that would just be awful. The article linked above briefly explains that people should follow the 8x8 rule, which is drinking eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day. Water not only helps with acne and brain functioning, it also clears your system and makes you feel clean and amazing inside; this, in turn, would improve your day. Also, don't drink water like that dog in the GIF. That just can't happen, people.

5. Never lose sight of how important your family is.

You may not talk to everyone in your family everyday, and that's okay. We all live very busy lives and sometimes it's tough to fit everything in; I tell myself all the time that there are not enough hours in the day to accomplish everything you want. However, it is important to remember that your family is comprised of the people that love you the most. Whether it be parents, siblings, cousins, grandparents, uncles, aunts, or more, your family will have your back no matter what, and that is such a calming thought to have. I'm away at college right now, and with such a busy schedule, you can always catch me a little flustered. But thinking of my family is what gets me through from time to time, and that is something I can endlessly count on.

6. Laugh! Laugh a lot!


It's like I said before: obligations can be stressful. Stress leads to not being in the best of moods, and everyone can admit to being stressed at some point; believe me, I've had more than my fair share of feeling this way. But remembering to laugh at various points throughout the day is so important! The more you laugh, the happier you are. Whatever makes you laugh, do it! Whether it is watching a funny YouTube video or going on crazy adventures with your friends, laughing truly is the best medicine available.

7. Don't be afraid to spend some time by yourself.

In the age of social media, we all have been engineered to think that we constantly have to be in the presence of someone else. Of course, family and friends are amazing people to spend time with, but you have to remember to dedicate time to whatever you want to do as well. You might want to, depending on your personal preferences, pick up a book or watch your favorite show on Netflix. Unwinding without feeling pressure from anyone around you is a wonderful feeling to have, so take advantage of it!

These are some of the thoughts and habits that put me in a better mood. I wanted to write this because I know there are people out there that struggle with being happy, and this article is dedicated to anyone who needs a boost to their day. Remember: you are loved every step of the way and make sure to live your best life possible.

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