Most likely, there will always be something standing in the way of you serving God. There will always be a temptation to hold back -- to wait until a better day to commit your life to God.
Now I'm not saying that these things will always win or that you won't be able to live for God, I'm just saying that such obstacles will always be there within reach. And I'm just warning you that these things are the devil's prize and trust me, he knows how to use them.
Sometimes, it's us who puts up these walls because it keeps us in control. We want to live for God, but first, we want to get our lives together -- to line them up the way we always planned they would be.
At any time that our lives aren't where we want them to be, we instinctively will hold back from God. Even if we are temporarily inspired to entirely commit to God, we will hit one of the walls we built up - walls built on our desire to control.
We want the final say in our life, whether it's fixing a relationship, getting a promotion, finishing a degree; whatever it is, it can become an obstacle before God. We all have walls like this in our own lives. I'm sure we're all guilty of thinking, "Once ____ happens, I will be ready to serve God."
But sometimes, walls are put up because of things that happen TO us -- things that are simply out of our control. Sickness, heartbreak, death, brokenness. These walls stand even stronger than the last.
Many of these walls will stand for far longer than they should and some of them may stand forever if we allow them. However, the important thing to understand is something history has taught us over and over -- walls are never unbreakable. They are not immovable.
I heard a song this week that I believe gives us hope for the walls we build up in our lives. The lyrics were written by a man, Jason David, who had some pretty massive walls in his life. He was diagnosed with cancer and as far as excuses go, that's a pretty good one to let his walls separate him from God. Yet, he trusted God instead. In his song, "These Walls," He wrote, This is my song; this is my dare: to worship you even as these walls are standing there.
And I'm sure a lot of us feel pretty defeated, like there are so many walls built up in our lives that some days, we can hardly see God. Some days, we hardly want to.
I'm not sure what walls you have up in your life, but it's time to tear them down. Perhaps they were built for protection, perhaps for convenience, but it is not profitable for us to live this way. Building walls does not simply keep God out, it keeps us in. It leaves us surrounded by walls that only grow as our faith shrinks.
You see, there is no argument strong enough to justify leaving these walls up. What a tragedy it is that we would hide behind our walls which keeps us from the one person who can tear them down. The one person who knows us best and loves us best. Our God. He is our hope in the midst of the walls which tower over our faith. And He is faithful to break them down. Trust in Him and your walls will crumble.
To listen to the full song and hear Jason's story, check out this video! I highly recommend.