Who are you? What do you want to be in your life? What path do you want to take? Is this your destiny? What your dream? What is your goal? What is home? Where do I belong? Where do I fit in?
If you are by any chance like me or perhaps like any other human in this world, at least one of these questions had popped in your head. It’s also very probable that you dwelt on some of them for a while to find an answer, I know I did.
I spent a lot of time trying to find an answer. The thing is it always seemed that if you have an answer to these questions you’ll somehow gain a sense of awareness of who you are, hence, understanding one’s self and then figuring out what makes one happiest and successful based on doing what one likes. So, I tried to think, analyze every situation, and make a decision based on that, but the thing is I never found an answer by thinking, it was by living.
Sometimes it’s easier to walk away from things that are not comfortable. It’s easier to think that you can just think through it, and figure things out, but I realized, it’s not about all the plans you make, it’s most certainly about the actions you take.
The choices you make and the decisions you commit to.
The actual actions you do.
The actual actions you do.
The actual actions you do.
This is how you learn more about yourself, and about all the options around you.
Try new things, live by going out there and experiencing new options. Live by exploring, live by actual living. Live by simply living.