These Pop Culture Conspiracy Theories Might Just Be True | The Odyssey Online
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These Pop Culture Conspiracy Theories Might Just Be True

It is all pretty mind-blowing.

These Pop Culture Conspiracy Theories Might Just Be True

For as long as I can remember, I have been suspicious of everyone and everything. Even as a child, I would read so much into people and situations that if any little thing was amiss, I became obsessive until I could put two and two together. When I was in kindergarten, a memorial plaque in the elementary school courtyard had me convinced that there was a dead body buried beneath it, and that its ghost roamed the halls. My friend and I concocted an elaborate plan to have our parents drop us off at school during the weekend to “play on the playground” while we would sneak off to the courtyard to unearth the remains. Our teacher insisted there was no corpse or paranormal activity in the school, but to this day, I’m sure that’s just what he was told to tell us.

My keen intuition is almost never wrong, so it’s only natural that I would be drawn to conspiracy theories. Whether the Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot or my personal favorite, aliens, I will take pretty much any theory into consideration. Trust me, life is so much more fun if you do.

When conspiracy theories cross over into pop culture, I find it almost too good to be true that my two favorite worlds could collide. Everyone knows about Kylie Jenner's prophecy that set every major event in 2016 in motion, but I would like to share some other pop culture conspiracy theories that are worth your consideration.

The Illuminati

This is a truly classic conspiracy theory that has been highly publicized and debated for years. The Illuminati is an alleged group of powerful, well-known people who have influenced and controlled major events throughout history in support of the New World Order. Rumored members of the Illuminati include Jay-Z, Beyoncé and Kanye West, who many times have used Illuminati lyrics in their songs and symbolism during performances, most notably the triangle created with their hands. (Side Note: At a One Direction concert, my friends and I made the triangle symbol to get Harry Styles’ attention on stage and it worked. Take from this what you will.)

Louis Tomlinson's "Fake" Baby

Speaking of One Direction, one of the biggest dramas to rock their fandom was the birth, or should I say, alleged birth of Louis' son, Freddie. Also known as “Babygate,” Louis’ fatherhood is thought by many to be a publicity stunt cooked up in the offices of One Direction’s management. From Louis’ horrid baby-momma’s family Instagramming Googled photos of random pregnant women and passing them off as her, to what could be photoshopped pictures of Louis and the baby, the amount of research done on this topic is truly wild. I highly recommend checking out this article if you’re interested in becoming a manifestation of the Mr. Krabs spinning meme.

This UFO Video That Blew Everyone's Minds

I consider YouTube to be a legitimate part of pop culture, so I’m including this video. Recorded by Julien Solomita and his girlfriend, famous YouTuber Jenna Marbles, the footage shows a glowing object in the skies of Los Angeles changing color, exploding and doing pretty much everything you would expect of an alien. The mysterious object has since been written off as an “unarmed missle” being tested by the U.S. Navy, but if you ask me, that sounds a lot like something the government would tell us to cover up the existence of aliens. Famous astrophysicist and all-around badass Neil deGrasse Tyson once said that not believing in the existence of aliens is “like taking a scoop out of the ocean with a cup and saying there’s no such thing as whales because there are none in my cup.” I'm no expert, but I wholeheartedly agree.

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