Today's individuals in the 21st century have completely shifted to an ideology that is well-accepted among many millennial's that the system of religion has caused a ton of division among the inhabitants of the earth, which is true. With the various different beliefs, doctrines, and religious ideologies it's obvious to see why individuals cannot follow a belief because of the variety of religions. The amount of religions out here is like a buffet of different religions and many can't choose what is truth and what isn't. Especially within the the religion of "Christianity," there are many denominations and different beliefs, and the result of this is that many individuals have utilized this notion of the variety of religions and denominations to completely reject religion and follow after their own will. Even though many can utilize this as an excuse to not draw close to God, that will not be a valid excuse when they stand before God on why they didn't repent of their sins, and get baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ. However, the ignorance of the human race and their rebellion against God and his word is paving the way for the second coming of Jesus Christ. Though many may claim they have a relationship with God and that they're a Christian, they undoubtedly deny him with their works.
This world is becoming increasingly wicked, to the point where it's not even safe to just go to the supermarket because of the fear of somebody coming there and committing a mass shooting. The world is not getting any better, but in fact, it's actually getting worse. Rumors of wars are running ramped and individuals are turning towards their own lusts, and ultimately turning their backs towards God. With police shooting increasing, gang violence increasing, foreign warfare increasing, the wickedness in entertainment increasing, and an economical collapse creeping it's way into the financial markets it's without a doubt that this world is coming to an end.
Not only are there signs that Jesus is coming back through the events that are occurring in the secular world, but also within today's modern "churches." The Bible says 2 Timothy 4:3-4 " For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths." Churches across the world have completely forsaken the Bible, and turned the utilization of church into a pursuit of money and wealth, while removing the preaching and teaching of sound doctrine. This horrifying doctrinal change in the pulpits of America is undoubtedly a sign that Jesus is returning imminently because churches are preaching lukewarm messages that aren't equipping believers in Jesus Christ to be spiritually stronger and wiser when it comes to the things of God. Churches have completely discarded core doctrine and beliefs, and substituted the preaching of sound teaching to becoming a rock concert with a motivational speech. Churches all over the world have completely denounced true repentance, baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ, the infilling of the Holy Ghost, and most importantly the oneness of God in the exchange of the traditions of men and money.
The reluctance and refusal of many of these organizations and churches to preach biblical truth has displayed that many churches are in the business of tickling ears and making individuals feel good so they can receive more tithe money and offering. They no longer desire to preach repentance or things that will edify and assist the congregation to be prepared to stand before God. The disturbing part about it is that the sins of the world are creeping right into the churches of America, and the people in the church don't even know they're sinning because the preacher won't preach out against it. Sins such as fornication, homosexuality, the love of money, pride, adultery, lying, gossiping, and idolatry are no longer being preached on pulpits but rather just "grace," which is not preparing congregations to stand before God, but are actually fulfilling biblical prophecy and preparing the church to be thrown into the eternal lake of fire.
Many create the excuse that they're leaving "religion" for an intimate "relationship" with Jesus Christ, but all that means is that people are leaving true biblical teachings to make an excuse for their lifestyle, and to refuse and neglect sound teaching. The Bible says in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 "Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day { The coming of Jesus Christ} will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction." The great falling away is occurring right in front of everyone's faces! Professing Christians are leaving sound teachings and going after preaching that are not effective nor beneficial for their spirit. The common belief is that true biblical teaching if too harsh and because of that they go after teachings that don't keep them in "bondage." These "Christians" desire a lukewarm teaching that will allow them to have one foot in the church, and one foot in the world.
To conclude, even with the natural disasters occurring in America that should be enough to display that Jesus Christ is coming and that his second coming won't be "peaceful." There are multiple wildfires occurring in California, and tornadoes even arriving in the East Coasts of America, This world is in absolute chaos! From the political system all the way down to the entertainment being released. Good is being called evil and evil is being called good. These are the last days and when Jesus Christ returns we MUST be on his side because this world will be destroyed with fire. For a man to be on Jesus' side when he returns they must obey Acts 2:38 which states "Repent, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit."