We're only young once and we should make the most of it. Growing up, all we care about is who is hooking up, who is dating, and who just broke up, but these are things none of us should actually care about.
In high school, it's a good idea to dip your toe in the water to see what it's like to date someone else and learn all the basics of a relationship. High school is meant for the mistakes and lessons that come along with a relationship. Your first love, first heartbreak and everything in between are better to be learned in high school when you're just starting off in the dating world. Your first heartbreak in high school will not be your last and the faster you get it over with it the better off you will be later on when you encounter your other ones.
High school is made of a million lessons, but the biggest I walked away with was not to trust any guy until it's for real and not to give too much of myself to one guy. They don't need to know everything your thinking and everything your feeling because chances are he's not the right guy. All the little parts of yourself that make you, you should be kept a secret until the right guy that will fully appreciate them is here.
But now in college, the last thing you need to do is be looking for a boy. These are your single years. In ten years from now when you're looking back, all you're going to remember are the nights you went out looking for a guy or trying to get a guys attention and that's not what you are going to want to remember. These years are more than that. Going out with the girls and dancing your ass off with your best friends or cuddling at home with your roommates watching movies are going to be the best memories you have years from now.
Your girlfriends are going to make these years the best ones of your life so take all the chances you have to be together and do your own thing without having guys in the back of your head. The right time to be looking for a guy is not now. You are what is most important and finding yourself and making your own statement in the world is the best thing for you at this very moment.
Everyone talks about your single years and these are them, so take advantage. Do all the things you can't do when your settled down. Go out to eat by yourself and read a book and take the waiters number when he gives it to you. Go out with your girlfriends and have fun and when the guy comes over to dance with you give him a polite smile and walk away and spend time with your friends since you won't get this time again after this. Post the cute picture of yourself because you feel good in it and don't stare at your phone waiting for the right guy to like it.
We have fallen into a sink hole of these years revolving around guys and that's the last thing we should be worried about. Go out and live your life for yourself and remember these are your single years your going to be talking about and don't make them about guys but make them about all the adventures you went on with friends or all you did to find yourself while you could.