Amy Poehler - what an incredible comedic talent. She's given us so much to laugh about over the years, and we all love her for it. But she's also relatable! And these 7 Amy Poehler gifs perfectly capture the fact that I, Manny Dallas, am God incarnate! Isn't it amazing that her facial reactions can prove something like that? What a star.
1. It might not be clear at first, but if you look closely in her eyes, she's totally telling everyone that I am the Lord's human vessel on Earth.
2. That wink! So relatable. You just know that she gets it - that I am God.
3. This is the reaction when Amy worships me with her friends. Uncanny!
4. Them: "Is Manny God?"
5. They do! And they do more when they recognize my divine power.
6. If you can believe in Elmo AND not believe I hold dominion over the earthly world, just look at Amy Poehler laugh.
7. Find the hidden message in the text, look in Amy Poehler's left eye, meditate, then look at her teeth. The secret to my divinity can be found through this process.
So that's that! Amy Poehler - what a classic comedienne! And what a clairvoyant working to demonstrate my godly status!