Time is considered to be the most cherished commodity in life. We say, we hear it, but do we really think about what it means? Many of us know that time goes by quickly, but we still live as though we will have all of the time in the world. We says things like "one day" or "maybe in a few years". But why not now? We like the think we have all the time in the world because we don't want to think or talk about the sad fact that it will not always be how it is today.
Change is something that comes along with time, and it something many of us do not like to acknowledge. I personally vow to start making the most of every moment in life, this ranges from visiting a city you always wanted to visit, or simply just being nicer to people. I'm writing about this topic because change for me has always been hard. Why would I do something different when I am content with life now? But I don't always want life to be content I want it to be spectacular.
Even though we complain when its too hot, or it's too cold outside, I think we need to start appreciating the fact that we have seasons. Even though in some places of the world they do not get to experience different seasons, I think we take them for granted. For example, its fall right now, one of my favorite seasons, but before we know it, it will be winter. So, take it all in now and embrace the months and enjoy them instead of complaining along the way.
Time passing would't be so bad if it didn't mean saying goodbye to important people in our life. Whether it be a friend or significant other that just changed and is no longer in our life, or a death of someone who we love, we need to appreciate every moment we have with them. I believe that certain people are in our lives at specific points in our lives to teach us lessons and help us grow, even if they don't stay in our life for a very long time. They are still apart of our story.
We are in this moment now, and we have to be thankful for them. We all have bad days and we all have amazing days. We just have to remember that we were given this day, if it is a tough one, we are becoming stronger and learning from it. If the day is going beautifully, then embrace and remember that there will be many more of the same kind of days to look forward to.
There is one sure thing in this life and it is that time passes, even if we don't like to accept it. Situations don't last forever, and when they aren't going how you expect them to, its because they are meant to be this way right now in this very moment, but one day, they will be completely different. Cherish time, always.