I would say I've "played it safe" pretty much my entire life. I avoid uncomfortable situations. I avoid taking risks. I avoid putting myself out there. I revert to putting myself in situations I know I can handle. A situation I know I can control. I guess you can say this comes from a fear of failing; a fear of losing it all. When really this fear keeps me from pursuing my goals and believing in myself.
I had always heard these words but I had never really taken the time to understand them: "The biggest obstacles are those we set for ourselves". The little voice in the back of your mind that tells you "I would never be able to" keeps you from dreaming, it keeps you from even taking a chance. And what's worst than failing? Not trying at all.
Those who can get pass the insecurities will go on to do remarkable things. If we can surpass the roadblocks that exist in our minds and our "what if" mentality, I promise life will be a whole lot different. Every time you lose a game, fail a test, or find yourself falling just remember this is just one setback in the journey, and there's no success without some struggle.