As college students, we like to convince ourselves that we do not get homesick. We are finally out on our own, and the thought of going back to the place we grew up with parental rules and high school memories feels restricting.
However, we all know that no matter how tough we try to be, we lay in our beds or sit in our cars after a bad day and wish to be home with a home cooked meal in front of us and our fuzzy pet nestled up next to us.
There is just something comforting about going home after being away for so many months. Having long talks with your mom at the dinner table with food that isn't take-out, sleeping in your own bed with a mattress and comforter ten times more comfortable that the one in your apartment, and seeing friends who knew you in your awkward middle school (and high school) phases become a treat when you are in college. We like to think that we're free from our pre-college lives, but we still cling to what is normal; what we are used to.
Where we grew up might not be where we want to continue our lives after college; however, it can be our escape no matter how old we get. Whether it is papers, finals, or work, a movie night in your family living room or hanging out at the Starbucks five minutes from your house can help you forget everything for a few days.
So don't be afraid to admit you are ready for a mini vacation to your hometown. Call your parents, pack your bags, and drive or fly home for some comfort food.