I constantly struggle with the world's pressure on relationships. It seems like no matter who you are talking to, the conversation will make its way to the topic of dating and relationships. It's inevitable, during a conversation with someone you haven't seen in a while, for the question of dating to arise. For a while, I didn't mind. Actually, for 21 years the topic has never bothered me or crossed my mind as anything other than normal discussion.
Until the Lord showed me something absolutely imperative: Life is about more than dating.
At nearly 22 years old, many of my friends are getting engaged, married, and even having children. I feel behind according to the world's timeline. It's easy to allow the thoughts of relationships and the future of marriage to consume both my mind and mouth, but the Lord has more for me than that. I recently read the book, "When God Writes Your Love Story" by Eric and Leslie Ludy, which discusses giving God the pen to write your love story instead of trying to write it yourself. Leslie Ludy wrote, "As long as I continued writing my own love story, I knew I would only find more heartache and disappointment." Wow. Surrendering my life and something that the world deems so important in life to God is hard. I know what I want and need for myself, right?
Wrong. God is the creator of love. God is love (1 John 4:8). Who better than Him to give my love life to? God knows the longings of my heart and God knows my greatest dreams.
I had created the perfect fairy tale in my mind for my life, but only found heartache and disappointment. God can surpass my fairy tale ending and give me more than I could ever imagine (Ephesians 3:20). I had allowed my dream of this perfect love story to take over the place in my heart that belongs to God. Until I found satisfaction in Christ alone, He could not fulfill the desires of my heart.
The Lord has been revealing to me that romance is His idea; He created it, not Hollywood. The version of love that the world has to offer is not even comparable to the blessing He has for me if I simply give this area of my life completely to Him.
"You must give up the little things you're hanging onto now to gain something infinitely greater." - Eric Ludy, When God Writes Your Love Story
More often than not I feel the need to take back what I have laid down at God's feet, to rush ahead of God's plan and help Him out just a little. (Like God needs me to help Him!) Romans 8:32 says, "He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all -- how will he not also, along with him, give us all things?" Who am I to doubt God? There are many seasons of life. The Lord is in charge and even when I think I know what I need, He knows better. In learning to trust His perfect timing I have found the powerful purpose in the pain of waiting.
I want to focus on a life that is centered around an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. I want to be consumed by His grace, love, and promise. Every breath I breathe, I want to use to exalt the name of Jesus and worship Him, "For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise" (1 Chronicles 16:25).
I want to challenge you to do the same. See Christ. Dwell in His love--the love He gives freely to us. Remember Psalm 16:11. Recognize how often the topic of relationships are brought up in conversation and I challenge you to try and discuss Christ just as often. If only people would talk about Jesus as much as they talk about relationships, the whole world would know His name.
Imagine that.