If you have ever paid any attention to Zooey Deschanel’s hit television show, “New Girl,” I’m sure you have caught yourself cracking up at each of the four roommates. Jess is so quirky, Schmidt’s dry humor is definitely out of this world, but Nick is exceptionally real and probably one of the most relatable characters in television today. From watching Nick casually speak the unheard truth to always finding a way to make any situation as awkward as possible, we have all watched and thought “Yep. I’ve been there.”
Here are 12 times that made me think there's a little bit of Nick Miller in all of us:
1.] When you casually run into someone you graduated with and they ask how life is going,
2.] When someone asks for a favor,
3.] His logical reasoning when flirting doesn't go so well,
4.] When your upset and don't know what to do,
5.] When you realize that the only thing holding you back is yourself,
6.] When you are not ashamed to jam out to your favorite song,
7.] When your friends ask about your new exercise routine,
8.] When someone is taking your picture,
9] When you know something isn't going to end well,
10.] When you try to compliment something,
11.] When it's finals week,
12.] When you're faced with any problem in life and you just panic moonwalk away,
If you haven't ever watched New Girl, then reading this article was a huge waste of your time. But if you found these gifs relatable in any way, you should give New Girl a shot. There are five seasons on Netflix, so it makes for a binge worthy series. You can thank me later.