Want to know what grinds my gears? The fact that the term "Millennial" is used as an almost derogatory term for kids born in the 90s and even the early 2000s. Now let me explain. The term "Millennial" was coined by William Strauss and Neil Howe in a 1987 book to reference a generation YET TO BE BORN. Today, the term has caught traction within media and it seems as if everywhere I look, I see the term being tossed around so easily without any form of research being done on the term.
Now I don't want to be that person to make it seem like there is always a problem and I'm always ready to talk about it, but I genuinely am that person. The criticism being thrown toward my contemporaries is that we are young, naïve hooligans that don't know how to act and that we are going to be the reason this country turns out terrible. Little do these older generations know, we "millennials" are faced with problems our country has never seen before, due to things that prior generations did! Just to remind those that don't know, my generation has the largest population of college students, as well as graduates. The problem is not what the "millennial" is doing, but what the systems AROUND them are doing. Saying that it's our fault is like putting a flat ball into a game of basketball and then penalizing the player for a call they had no control over. Now, this modern prejudice and Juvenoia that is being projected more than ever due to the internet has been the cause of these recent remarks and stereotypes about my contemporaries and I. There is just something about today's society.
Another thing that makes my skin crawl are the people that believe their friendship is a blessing for me and act as if revoking the friendship is going to make me conform to their belief. NO! I will not change my beliefs to keep you as a friend, because you were never my friend if that's the case. It's almost as if people around here only like to hang around people that reflect their beliefs. Why are we living at a time where political correctness is the way to go? Why are people who are paid to say jokes having to apologize about one being too ageist, or too sexist?
We're living at a time where people
don't want to be alone so bad that they're willing to switch on anybody
as long as they have two people on their side when they do it. It's pretty
crazy to see it actually happen, because people are so unaware of their
subconscious decisions that they honestly believe that they're not doing
it. Why is everyone so soft and uptight lately? Why are people so
dogmatic about issues that aren't harming anything? Does it matter? Why
aren't we tackling issues about the diminishing middle class? Or
anything about how they're trying to gentrify the Bronx, cheapest place
to live in the five boroughs, and do it by taking the culture and sucking
it alive by throwing parties?! Society has is a different breed of blind
and naïve people because it's everyone nowadays. Whether their 20 or
200, it seems as if everyone is willing to throw their friendship in
your face if you even remotely disagree with their beliefs. I'm a person
of equal opportunity because all I've ever had were the cards against
me. So I give everyone the benefit of the doubt, but it seems that
things can't be mutual anymore without someone calling you out for
Want know what would be cool? If we
could take all the people that believe so strongly in issues that aren't
relevant and put that same consideration toward the academic renascence,
that would be great.