There's Always Something To Be Thankful For | The Odyssey Online
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There's Always Something To Be Thankful For

All the things I'm thankful for during the holiday season.

There's Always Something To Be Thankful For

Thanksgiving, the time of year where you and your family members gather around the table, say grace and then enjoy a bountiful banquette, It's always fun to spend Thanksgiving with the family, watching the Macy's Thanksgiving parade, football, playing board games and planning on what stores to shop on Black Friday. This year, however, has been a minor setback and is also known as the disaster year. But if you really think about it, there is a diamond sitting in the rough patches of the rubble. Allow me to shed some light on the things that I am grateful for.

💼Fantastic Beats And Where To Find Them💼

A fellow Potter-head like me would be delighted to see yet another master piece of J.K. Rowling's imagination onto the big screen. The screenings were also released on the 18th of November. If you aren't familiar of this fragment of J.k. Rowling's work then let me fill you in.

The film was based off of the book which was released back in 2001 and like the title says it's about the magical creatures in the Harry Potter universe. It purports to be Harry Potter's copy of the textbook of the same name mentioned in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (or Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone in the US), the first novel of the Harry Potter series. It includes several notes inside it supposedly handwritten by Harry, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger, detailing their own experiences with some of the beasts described, and including in-jokes relating to the original series. Rowling's name does not appear on the cover of the book, the work being credited under the pseudonym "Newt Scamander" who, in the books, wrote this textbook as seen on Harry's supply list for his first year. The movie is different compared to the book, because the film focuses on Newt Scamander. I spoil anything for you but there will be four more movies and I'd recommend seeing the movie.

☀️Pokemon Sun and Moon🌑

I'm still a proud Pokemon fan and with these new games that were released also on the 18th of November I can't put it down. If you need filling in then let educate you. Pokemon Sun and Moon are not only the seventh generation of the series of games, it is also the celebration of Pokemon's 20th anniversary. I won't spoil it for anyone who wants to play these games but all I can say is that the seventh region is based off of Hawaii and it is gorgeous.


Speaking of Hawaii, Disney's newest film is based of Hawaiian Culture, And I am very excited about this film not only because it's influenced by the beauty of Hawaii, because the main cast itself are Hawaiian, Auli'i Cravalho and Dwayne Johnson aka The Rock. It was released on November 23rd. I won't spoil anything for you if you want to see the movie, All I will say it's about coming together like a family.

🎂Micky Mouse's birthday🎂

Speaking about Disney, If you are a huge fan like myself then you'd understand why this is day worth while, but if you are unfamiliar with this day let me explain:

He was created by Walt Disney in the year 1928, November 18th, Micky's first role was to replace Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, an earlier cartoon character created by the Disney studio for Charles Mintz, a film producer who distributed product through Universal Studios. Mickey first was seen in a single test screening (Plane Crazy) After that screening, Mickey officially made his debut in the short film Steamboat Willie.

Then he went on to appear in over 130 film, Micky mouse and his friends have also been in video games, my favorite is the Kingdom Hearts games.And to think all of this was possible thanks to that little mouse.

What's also special about this day is that my brother was born. And I am so grateful that my best friend exists. I am also thankful that I was born, Both of my parents gave the the gift of music but I got most of my talent from my father, because of him, I would have never made a special connection with Art, Disney and Nintendo, and I got my for love for History, Literature, from my mother,

So as you can see, there are a lot of things to be thankful for I know I am, The keyword is "Togetherness" All of these things I am thankful for: Disney, Harry Potter, Pokemon, and my family, Try no to be discouraged, there's still one more month and then this year will be history.

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