There will come a time when you graduate high school. You will walk across the stage, receive your diploma and feel instant success. You will continue to celebrate nearly all summer drinking with your friends, and cherishing the last memories with them.
There will come a time when you’re sitting amongst your clothes, bed spreads, new laptop, fresh linens, and just about every other accessory from Bed Bath and Beyond. Your excitement for the future quickly turns into a fear of the unknown
There will come a time when you lay down in your bed the night before move-in day. You will think of how much your life will change in the next 24 hours and wonder if you will ever sleep in that bed again.
There will come a time after your parents have made your bed, put away your clothes, and met every one on your floor that they will say good bye. This is a feeling second to none, in that moment as you mom drives off with tears in her eyes you will want to get in the car and go home too.
There will come a time when you sit in your tiny ten-by-ten dorm room and cry. You know no one, you're alone, and you don’t know how you’re going to make it through the next three months. You will no longer be the big fish in the small pond.
There will come a time when you’re getting ready for your first party. You and your roommate fighting over the mirror, sharing clothes, and giving stone cold honest opinions, "You definitely look hot!" and "That’s the outfit!"
There will come a time where you puke at that fraternity house and thank god that you woke up in your own bed.
There will come a time when you have to take your first college exam. Not grasping how serious your academics were, you decided to go to the party the night before. With this, there will come a day when you fail your first college exam.
There will come a time when you lose track of time staying up talking to your roommate and in that moment you will realize you've found your best friend.
There will come a time when your high school boyfriend isn't the love of your life. You will cry, you will scream, you will drink until you can't see, but you will get over it and realize just how much life has to offer you.
There will come a time when you have to do the walk of shame back to your dorm, and surprisingly you won't feel that guilty.
There will come a time when you step on the scales on a weekend home to find you did indeed gain the freshmen 15....and then some.
There will come a time when you've been up for 48 hours straight studying for all of your finals. You will cry and call your mom and contemplate becoming a stripper more than once.
There will come a time when your last final has been turned in and your freshman year is over, you will say your goodbyes and cry because college is your home and your previous hometown is a mystery.